Houses are one of the most comfortable places for us. It’s the place where we unite with our family persons and the loved ones. It is also the place where we eat, sleep and relax with our loved ones. Moreover, it is the place where we host our guests. Therefore, a house means a lot of things to its inhabitants. As a further matter, it also influences people’s lives. Consequently, when designing a house, it’s should be given extra time, care, thoughts. Here are 10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Not including an entrance lobby: Firstly, one of the primary mistake to avoid when designing a house is to including an entrance lobby. However, most of the designer forget that thing. In most cases, the designers directly open the main entrance to the living or guest reception. As a result, it is uncomfortable for the residents. On the other hand, no privacy is considered.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Designing angular walls: A house is a place of comfort for its residents. For that reason, the angular walls designs of a house should not be distressed and confined. Rather, a house should be easy to clean and well furnished. More to consider, when designing the walls of the house the designers should not give priority more to its designing than the solidarity of the house.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Not carefully considering garage placement: A garage is a place where the generally parks the car. Moreover, the garage is used to keep the lawn mower, ladder, trash cans, a toolbox and old stuff. Anyhow, it’s not the goods someone wants to show them to its visitors. Then, it should be considered that one should not place the garage on the main entrance, fairly, the right place for it is beside the kitchen or the backside of the house.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Not opening enough windows: You can enjoy the effect of the fresh air and sun rays of the early by placing more windows in bedrooms, living and dining spaces. Natural views and winds can create miracles on the mood of the whole residing family. Make sure you have sufficient for living inside of the house adequately.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Disregarding storage space: A small but necessary place is the storage space of a house. A place where is extra space with no seeming alternative use. However, this place can be used for the most essential belongings of the house such as a sweeper, broom, ironic table at your home. In short, a small space of your which cannot be used for other things or it can be a space for all of the household belongings.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Not considering the size of the furniture: If your house is designed for your clients then you should keep in mind that the clients will not throw away his expensive furniture cause that it does not fit your house. Most importantly, the designer should take minimum measurements of the house when designing each part of it.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Not studying the proportions: To keep enough proportions of the house is another prime decision. A designer has to think about the future. A house will not build every year. Therefore, at the time of the designing, the proportions of the residence should be kept on the mind. Imagine, in the future, your client may get married at that time he has to buy new furniture for his house. He may buy the most expensive bedroom set but if it does not fit the house then the whole things will be in vain. As the matter fact, a designer has to do all sort of calculations and dimensions to offer his clients the best house for ‘’the next 100 years.’’
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Ignoring the residents’ lifestyles: One of the major mistakes of designing a house is that at most of the time the designer is ignoring the lifestyles of the resident’s. The house should reflect the lifestyle of its residence on way or another. For example, if the dining room of the house is the place for the resident’s gathering and having the meal together then it can be considered a place of comfort for a large family. In contrast, a single family considered a small space further he may consider a place for the office.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Not considering the site conditions and aspects: One of the major consideration is site analysis. After all, the site comes before design. If a site is a place of fresh air and the sun moves around the plot, place the living, dining, and services consequently. On the other side, if it a place of noise, plant more trees so that it could cover that.
10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans; Avoiding eco-friendly design: One can save a lot of money which is spending on artificial lighting and ventilation. Careful ways of placing windows and doors, as well as resizing windows could also make a difference.
Above all, a house is a place of comfort. That’s why those 10 common mistakes to avoid when designing house floor plans.