Breelinkplumbingnheating · Newsroom

Why Your Homes Water Flow Isn’t Right?
When the pressure is right, your showers feel nice, and your washing machine works well.

January 17, 2025

Water Heater Making Noise- Common Causes Explained
The sounds of sharp whistling generally indicate a tight water route, commonly due to problems with valves or pipe blockages.

December 16, 2024

Getting Ready for Your Furnace Technician - 7 Simple Steps
Make sure to be home during the appointment. The technician might have to pose questions or explain what they see.

November 18, 2024

Signs Your Water Heater Isn’t Running Efficiently
You notice that you aren’t getting the same amount of hot water supply as before. Nothing has changed in your water consumption at home, but it feels like you are running out on hot water faster than before.

October 15, 2024

Revolutionizing Home Comfort: Bree-Link Plumbing and Heating Introduces Tankless Water Heater Services
Bree-Link Plumbing and Heating, a dependable home comfort solution company, is glad to announce its innovativeness through the introduction of its new services known as tankless water heaters in Kelowna.

April 17, 2024

Everything about HVAC that you should know
Tired of dealing with the hot summers or the cold winters? Here is your savior – the reliable HVAC system. That is the secret element to make your house more comfortable.

February 13, 2024

Get a Longer HVAC Life With These Maintenance Tips!
We don’t see our HVAC systems working but they are there to keep our homes comfortable.

January 12, 2024

Common Plumbing Problems and How to Avoid Them
Plumbing Vernon problems can turn your cozy home into a watery nightmare if you’re not careful. The good news is that many of these issues are easily avoidable with some precautionary measures.

December 14, 2023

4 Reasons to Switch to a Tankless Water Heater
Many people still use a hot water tank in their homes. But while this provides hot water to an entire house, it comes with a couple of setbacks.

November 16, 2023

How to Improve HVAC Efficiency in Older Homes?
An excellent investment that can increase comfort, save energy costs, and promote a more sustainable living environment is increasing the HVAC efficiency of older homes.

October 13, 2023

Urgent Plumbing Services to Safeguard Your Access to Clean and Safe Drinking Water
Few circumstances in the domain of domestic crises are as urgent as those that put your access to clean water in jeopardy.

September 11, 2023

Water Heater Buying Guide – Types and Factors to Consider
Kelowna’s breathtaking beauty and tranquil ambience make it an idyllic place to call home. But, to keep your home comfortable during the frigid winters, you must have a dependable water heater.

August 11, 2023

Plumbing problems that you can avoid with regular maintenance service
Having a regular plumbing maintenance schedule is crucial for preventing unexpected plumbing problems.

July 12, 2023

Water Heater in Kelowna: The Ultimate Guide
Household necessities that supply hot water for various uses are water heaters. Homeowners in Kelowna have an excerpt of water heaters to select from.

June 12, 2023

What You Need to Know About Dental Veneers – Frequently Asked Questions
Dental veneers are an option for cosmetic dentistry in Coquitlam for people who wish to transform their smile. It can fix many issues such as crooked and gummy smiles, discolored teeth, and damaged teeth.

May 17, 2023

Why You Should Switch to a Tankless Water Heater Now
Are you going to replace your current water heater soon? Rather than go for the same type of water heater, why not consider switching to a tankless one?

May 11, 2023

Maintenance Advice for Keeping Your Water Heater efficient!
A water heater is a fundamental apparatus in any family, and ensuring it works productively and dependably is critical.

April 17, 2023

Water Heater Habits Users Must Follow
Water heaters are essential appliances in most homes and are responsible for significant energy consumption. Insulating your water heater can help reduce heat loss and improve efficiency.

March 16, 2023

The Maintenance and Lifespan of Different Water Heating Systems
Different water heating systems require different levels of maintenance and have different lifespans. Regular maintenance and proper use of water heaters can help to extend their lifespan.

February 15, 2023

The Benefits of Regular Plumbing Maintenance
When it comes to your home's Plumbing in Vernon , regular maintenance is essential.

January 13, 2023

5 Reasons to Switch to a Tankless Water Heater
Are you still using your old water heater in Kelowna? Most homes have a traditional water heater that comes with a big tank.

December 13, 2022

Why Is A Water Heater Important?
A water heater Kelowna offer incredible value in heating the water for our homes, businesses, and in some cases, even public buildings.

November 14, 2022

A Few Fascinating Advantages of Installing Tankless Water Heater for Your Apartment
If you plan on a home renovation, you must consider Installing a Tankless Water Heater in Kelowna. This upgrade is truly valuable for your home as the units tend to last longer.

October 13, 2022

All You Need to Know About Tankless Water Heaters
You can purchase tankless water heaters if you want to upgrade your water heater. These types of water heaters are also called on-demand water heaters as they do not store hot water but create it.

September 9, 2022

Take Note Of Following Set Of Points Before Availing the Service Of A Plumber
Whether there is water leakage or an issue with the water tank, the plumber is equipped to mend things for you. A plumber having the right tools and techniques would be able to fix the issue with the sanitary appliances.

August 12, 2022

What Hard Water Does to Your Home’s Plumbing
Do you have hard water at home? Many homes get their water from a well. There are a lot of downsides to having hard water and it can affect your home’s plumbing in Vernon.

July 19, 2022

Things to Look for When Buying a Water Heater
Bringing a new water heater to your Kelowna home will significantly benefit the cold winter months. However, with a large range of options available and many factors to consider, picking the right option can be challenging.

June 13, 2022

Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth It?
Are you contemplating making the switch to a tankless water heater in Kelowna and wondering if it’s worth it? Tankless water heaters are gaining popularity because of their ease of installation, cheaper cost, and better efficiency.

May 13, 2022

What aspects to look into while considering buying a water heater?
Getting a water heater home is a critical decision. It can instantly make your tasks such as washing dishes, cleaning cars, and even taking a shower easier during cold conditions.

April 13, 2022

Why You Should Consider Going Tankless?
If you are still using a hot water tank, now is the best time to consider going tankless. Water heaters are an essential part of our homes. They are indispensable but there are many ways to improve the way you obtain your hot water.

March 15, 2022

A Company With Fast Response Time and Get's The Job Done
Finding the right furnace service in Kelowna is no less than a challenge. Many consumers are tired of fraudulent companies and repair personnel who just want to make a quick buck.

February 17, 2022

3 Reasons to Choose a Tankless Water Heater
There are a lot of benefits to switching to a tankless water heater in Kelowna. If you don’t want to pay a high energy bill each time, you can go for a tankless water heater in Kelowna instead.

January 12, 2022

What are Tankless Water Heaters?
A Tankless Water Heater is a kind of water heater that does not need a tank.

December 16, 2021

5 Steps to Prevent Leaky Pipes at Home
Leaky pipes are a common household problem. This plumbing issue can stem from the misuse of your plumbing system or from general wear and tear on the parts of the plumbing.

November 17, 2021

Why You Should Switch to Tankless Water Heaters Right Now
Have you ever considered switching to tankless water heaters? If you are still using the old method of providing hot water to your home, you could be missing out on all the amazing benefits of a tankless water heater in Kelowna.

October 19, 2021

What To Do When Your Heater Suddenly Dies Down
It’s a cold winter day and suddenly, your heater dies. What are you going to do? How do you keep your home warm?

September 14, 2021

3 Reasons to Switch to a Tankless Water Heater
Are you still using a water heater with a tank? These days, tankless water heaters are gaining popularity because of a lot of reasons. You might want to make the switch to a tankless water heater in Kelowna.

August 11, 2021

Furnace Money-Saving Tips – How to Avoid High Maintenance and Repair Expenses
Furnace repair in Kelowna can set you back by a couple of thousands. That can significantly put a dent in your budget.

July 15, 2021

Can Harsh Chemicals Damage Your Plumbing?
When it comes to clean drains, plumbing pipes, bathrooms, and sinks, most people turn to chemical cleaners. These are more convenient to use and they are more accessible since you can buy them from groceries.

June 16, 2021

Is Your HVAC System Ready for the Summer Season?
You will rely on your HVAC in Kelowna a lot during the summer season. It’s important that your HVAC in Kelowna can keep up with the demands of your home.

May 17, 2021

5 Tips to Keep in Mind When Choosing Plumbers
Are you choosing plumbers in Kelowna for the first time? It can be intimidating to find a plumber to provide the service that you need when you don’t know where and how to look.

April 16, 2021

Moving to a New House? Here are 5 Plumbing Issues to Watch Out For
Before you move to a new house, you should first hire someone to inspect its Plumbing in Vernon. Plumbing issues can potentially cost you a lot of money in repairs and can inconvenience you.

March 10, 2021