For more information, read Mandatory gloves on a motorcycle. However, I still often come across bikers and bikers who ride without their feet being protected by specific equipment worthy of the name. And let's not talk about passengers and passengers, we reach heights in unconsciousness!
While a third of motorcycle accidents cause orthopedic injuries
If this study is to be believed, two- and three-wheeler drivers still take their safety too lightly. However, it should be noted that the statistical sample used as the basis for calculation includes all 2WDs, both "big cube" bikers and minors on mopeds and other two-wheelers under 50 cc.
Thus, if wearing a helmet turns out to be acquired by a large majority, 50% admit that they do not wear high-top shoes (not to mention motorcycle boots). And during the summer, 31% even wear simple open shoes.
What is preventing two-wheelers from getting better gear?
As with gloves, the adoption of a law requiring the wearing of equipment would significantly improve the results, but would not be enough to convince everyone.
For example, if 30% always wear reinforced shoes for riding, 63% would insure doing so in the event of a law imposing it.
What would push the remaining 37% to contravene this hypothetical legislation? For the most part, it is above all a problem of comfort! The budget to be devoted to the purchase only intervenes in the background.
In my opinion, the problem is mainly due to a lack of information, awareness, both on the importance of protecting the feet, but also on the possibility of equipping at low cost with quality equipment, in all styles, and without losing comfort, both on and off the bike.
Many bikers underestimate the painfulness of foot injuries, yet it is the part of the body that touches first (and therefore often the hardest) during an accident.
No one likes to walk on crutches for weeks or even months. And I'm not talking about the risk of having to rely on a cane for the rest of his life. For the Motorcycle boot Lancashire and Manchester this is essential.
Anatomy box
Important structures in the ankle include bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves and blood vessels.
The ankle is a joint, or more exactly a combination of three joints, which connects the following bones:
the tibia,
the fibula (fibula),
the talus (talus).
The astragalus is the most imposing bone. The upper part of the talus enters a kind of niche formed by the fibula and the lower end of the tibia. The lower part of the talus rests on the heel bone, which is called the calcaneus. The junction of these bones allows the foot to go up (dorsal flexion) and down (plantar flexion).
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