Ullasraheja · Newsroom

Liver Transplant - Liver Transplantation in India
Liver Transplant Consultant dot com website is a platform to know details about the best liver transplant surgeons in Delhi, India and abroad.

May 5, 2012

Liver Transplant in India between Different / Mismatched / Incompatible
First time in India, doctors in Gurgaon, Haryana on Wednesday claimed to have successfully conducted a liver transplant with donor and recipient with different blood groups, giving a new hope to thousands of patients suffering from organ failure.

May 5, 2012

Why India for Liver Transplant ? Liver Transplantation New Delhi India
With immense experience in the field of liver transplant indialivertransplant established by Liver Transplant Consultant to help, guide and educate liver disease patients and those in need of liver transplant.

May 5, 2012