The new filllzcoin currency is designed to help people create digital wealth instantly from legal and blended family severance issues. Filllzcoin will be accepted by participating digital wallets and can be used to purchase goods and services online. With the launch of filllzcoin, Life Winks is hoping to provide an easy way for people to create wealth and improve their financial situation. Not to mention add complimentary value to practicing Child Safety Files as seen on WAND TV News and KPLR TV Morning Blend St Louis.
Aaron Wemple is co-founder of Central Illinois' united CLU parents group and a St. Louis startup team called Life Winks. Which is developing partnerships for a state-of-the-art childhood innovation and family sustainability center. Filllz will be based in Orlando, FL. The 24th Annual Family Cafe Conference event is a disability resource fair open to the public. Door prizes including Life Wink's $100 Amazon gift card and $5,000 gift certificate among other prizes too are given away. The Kickstarter project for Filllzcoin cryptocurrency will launch at the event.
For more information about filllzcoin, the Filllz Kickstarter Project, and its Rewards visit filllz dot com or on the socials (Facebook/Instagram) @911filed411filllz.