SIP Softphone, also known as SIP Telephony, is the VoIP protocol that assists the consumer to make or receive international calls, without installation of handset into computer or mobile. Softphone offer an easy and affordable way of making international phone calls through IP networking. SIP softphones are a perfect alternative for business travelers who wish to avoid the extra expense of travel expenses to connect with their staff, executives, clients or home offices.
SIP Softphone for iPhone offers a variety of features including call forwarding, call waiting, auto answer, hold, music streaming and so much more. You can simply download the free "ios-web" app from the iTunes Store and your iPhone will instantly become a SIP enabled phone. This SIP capable iPhone is equipped with all the latest features to ensure smooth communication during conferences and meetings. iPhone users can access their email on the go with SIP enabled web browser. All these amazing features help you to enjoy your life to the fullest.
While buying an iPhone, you have the option of buying it from either a local retail store or through the online white label supplier. In both cases, you must be aware of the various SIP technology and its benefits. You can easily get connected with SIP enabled telephone service provider either through online or yellow pages. If you do not know which service provider to choose, then you can hire a SIP expert to guide you through the entire process.
There are two different kinds of SIP softphones - the internet connected softphones and the regular mobile phones. The internet phones are equipped with SIP protocol that enables them to use regular analog telephones. The SIP protocol is not compatible with the regular mobile phones and hence, the latter cannot use the SIP softphones. However, internet connected soft phones are easy to use. You can simply dial the number and make your call without using any other device.
SIP phone system is used to interconnect the voice network (i.e. internet) with the normal network (i.e. network of pbx). SIP softphones are designed to take calls over the internet as well as on the normal networks. Therefore, it becomes imperative for an organization to purchase an appropriate SIP protocol softphone to meet their requirements.
Sip softphones can be considered a revolution in conferencing systems. A Sip Softphone is a very convenient means of making conference calls and conducting meetings. It is easy to integrate SIP softphones into existing business telephone setups and it also offers cost-effectiveness. There are numerous advantages that one can enjoy by using SIP softphones such as:
With the availability of SIP apps, SIP softphones have become all the more user friendly. If you are planning to buy a SIP softphone, ensure that you check for SIP apps available for the device you intend to buy. SIP apps are readily available for both Apple IOS and android IOS devices. Most popular SIP apps for the Apple IOS include SIP Conferencing, SIP Call Away and SIP HiFi. On the other hand, there are several SIP apps available for android such as SIP Conferencing, SIP Call Away, SIP Call Defender and SIP HD.
One more useful SIP feature is a desktop sharing. The desktop sharing feature allows your colleagues to join a conference call even if they are not present at the same location. To activate desktop sharing feature just click on" Session" and then select "Share." SIP softphones offer great features at an affordable price, so don't worry if you are finding it hard to choose the right SIP phone for your business environment.
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