Abandoned by her husband. Eventually returning to her own family. The farm. By now an aging stud. And the falling down house. Not to mention one dud boyfriend with a limited scope for future romance. Which leads to a hurtful repetitive question? Is she destined to be an old maid?
No. No. Of course not.
That is ridiculous. Circumstance pushes Elinor to examine her life in more detail than she might like. Then while recovering from the blow, she inherits the family farm. She has always expected it would be hers, yet the Australian isolation limits any real potential for an engaging future.
The female line in this family are all called Elinor. The dominant character is attached to the mother, then to the daughter. Then her daughter and finally to a brief appearance by the granddaughter. The farm, these females and their generational interaction provide the substance of the narrative.
A visiting group of Spanish horsemen initiate a connection and then romance, which eventually leads to the birth of her daughter. Elinor becomes a single parent, the Spanish sire seems to have forgotten he is married. And the story goes on…
Peter Fraser lives in Australia, enjoys wine and coffee, reading and writing and ah…travel. He published about fifteen short stories so far.
Title: You Can Bet The Farm On It
Author: Peter Fraser
Publisher: Adelaide Books
Publisher Website: https://adelaidebooks.org/
Publisher Email:
[email protected]
ISBN: 978-1955196598
Price: $19.60
Page Count: 254 pages
Formats: Paperback
Description of the company: ADELAIDE BOOKS LLC is a New York based independent company dedicated to publishing literary fiction and creative nonfiction. It was founded in July 2017 as an imprint of the Adelaide Literary Magazine, with the aim to facilitate publishing of novels, memoirs, and collections of short stories, poems, and essays by contributing authors of our magazine and other qualified writers.