Company name : Open energie
Published by: Maria Lysakowska
Company contact details:
email :
[email protected]
Phone number: 0 820 690 434
Address : 23 Rue Laugier 75017 Paris
For immediate release
Open Energie’s water/heat pump helps save on electricity costs
As a result of rising energy prices and decreased availability of fuel, households all over the world are dreading the upcoming winter season.
The Department of Energy anticipates significant increases in the cost of home heating when compared to the previous winter, and some people are concerned about whether or not assistance programs for low-income families will be able to make up the difference.
The situation is getting worse in Europe as a result of Russia's ongoing reduction in the amount of natural gas it exports, which is driving up prices and causing painful shortages.
Global energy consumption has rebounded since the beginning of the pandemic, and supply was barely keeping pace with demand before the conflict in Ukraine further reduced supplies. This is one of several factors that are converging to create a bleak situation.
Those who heat their homes with natural gas, which accounts for nearly half of all households in Europe, will see a 28% increase in their heating costs this winter. The price of heating oil is expected to increase by 27%, and the price of electricity is expected to increase by 10%.
This comes as a response to the fact that inflation rates accelerated last month, with consumer prices growing by 6.6%, which is the fastest such pace in four decades.
Open Energie has, fortunately, come up with extraordinary solutions to help households and low-income homeowners combat the rising energy prices that have affected the globe drastically.
“Air, a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy”
The heat pump is an innovative, cost-effective, ecological, and environmentally friendly method of heating. This is due to the fact that air is the primary source of energy.
The most important source of energy is air.
Heat pumps are environmentally friendly and cost-effective compared to other methods of heating because they make use of ambient air, a resource that is never depleted and continually replenished.
Open Energie adopts other methods of heating to make use of so-called "fossil" energies, which are becoming scarce and which involve a significant and regular increase in their cost.
About Open Energie
Open Energie has made the decision to provide special deals geared specifically toward individuals as part of its dedication to the energy transition. These offers provide a fresh push for community engagement by making it easier for homeowners of individual homes to gain access to renewable energy sources.
For more information, you can visit their website: