Who can go on a Retreat?
Retreat is a chance to delve into one’s own life and discover that empty space. People of any age can go on a retreat. Retreat can be both private and public. Children, parent, grandparent, students, housewives, unemployed individuals, business men and women, workers, millionaires, celebrities, church goers, friends, people from same or different community, race, gender, religion, etc. can go on a retreat.
How long can a retreat last?
The lengths of Retreat usually vary depending of the type of retreat. It could be for two or three days, or for a week or a month. People can also go on a retreat for a day http://www.sanluisrey.org/ as well.
What are the basic elements of a Retreat?
Retreat means to withdraw oneself from the hustle and bustle and stay in a secluded place of solitude. The key elements of a retreat are:
• Duration: The minimum time span of a retreat is six to seven hours on a single day. People commonly go for a weekend retreat that starts on a Friday evening and lasts till Sunday afternoon. In case a retreat last for a week or for a month there has to be prior arrangements for it.
• Setting: A proper setting is another very important element of a retreat. The place of retreat should be calm, peaceful place away from the hustle and bustle of the town. It should be away from the city in a secluded place, where there would availability of nature walk. Retreat should take place amidst natural environment so that we can walk freely, inhale fresh air and get positive energy. All retreat places should have a room where people could spend time alone in silence and reflect on their own life.
Let us discuss a few types of Retreats
Personal Retreats
Retreats of this type are basically for people who want to spend some quality time for them. Personal retreat is spending a day or two in solitude, away from family, children, work, friends, responsibility, etc. People can go on personal retreats to distant places and discover new things about themselves, know about feelings, relationship. He/ she would want to escape from the worries and hardships in real life, stay away from the bad emotional phase and therefore go on personal retreats.
When people go on personal retreat it is a sole venture with no responsibilities, all alone and spend ample time for adventure, creativity and discovery. Personal retreat is finding time alone in the midst of busy life schedule.
Personal retreats are usually taken by people who are overloaded with work, tension, responsibility of family and children. Previously people who went on personal retreats usually disconnected themselves complete for a day or two from family, friends, work, etc. without any communication. The main purpose of this type of a retreat is to have a close look at yourself, enrich your strengths, what you are. It is getting to know oneself better.
Weekend retreats at Old Mission Retreat Center http://www.sanluisrey.org/retreats/ are great for all those searching for peaceful and quite place for praying and meditation – more at this link http://www.sanluisrey.org/retreats/
Contact :
Contact Person: Maureen Sullivan
[email protected]
Old Mission San Luis Rey de Francia
Address: 4050 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92057-6402
Tel/Fax: (760) 757-3651
Website: http://www.sanluisrey.org/