It could be time to say goodbye to hangovers for good, with the help of an all natural hangover prevention pill from Over EZ. Using natural ingredients, the formula is designed to balance the body after a heavy night of drinking. Toxins are quickly flushed out with the help of the time release capsule - this means you don’t have to fear the morning after drinking any longer.
One of the reasons for a hangover is the loss of key nutrients in the body. The body also creates a toxin called acetaldehyde. This prevention pill tops up nutrients in the body and flushes out the acetaldehyde, so you can get on with your life as usual and remain healthy.
How The Over EZ Hangover Prevention Pill Works
Simply take one Over EZ Hangover Pill before or during the consumption of alcohol. Two stages of vitamins are time released, and you are immediately protected from liver damage. You’ll benefit from vitamins, natural extracts, and minerals and amino acids.
The first phase is fast acting, so you get minerals and amino acids within minutes. The second phase introduces natural extracts over the course of several hours. Because of this technology, you’ll wake up without the usual raging hangover.
Over EZ Ingredients include:
* Chicory Root
* Milk Thistle
* Amla Extract
* Chinese Date Extract
* Grape Extract
* B Vitamins
* Zinc & Magnesium
“Both occasional drinkers and regular heavy drinkers can benefit from taking Over EZ”, said Zark Fatah, Co-Founder of Over EZ.
What Customers Say
Customers report feeling both surprised and impressed knowing how good they felt the morning after taking Over EZ. Also, some customers reported having more productive days, as they’re not lazing around anymore after a wild night out.
Side Effects Of Over EZ?
The prevention pill is FDA registered and notified. There are no drugs in the ingredients, and it is Health Canada Approved. This means you can have peace of mind when taking Over EZ. There are no side effects, but bear in mind the pill only prevents a hangover. It will not prevent you from getting drunk or experiencing other ill effects of alcohol.
Currently, Over EZ is available in a large number of retailers all over the U.S. and Canada. You can find it in Miami, New York, LA, Ottawa, British Columbia, Santa Monica, Montreal and Toronto. You can also order it online via the website, with shipping worldwide.
For Media Contact:
Ankush Gupta, Marketing Manager
6499 Powerline Road Suite 306A
Fort Lauderdale FL 33309
Telephone: 1-855-968-3739
[email protected]