During the time of the Pandemic, the health care system and technology impacted so much that Subhra Bishnu, the Co-Founder and Director of OrangeTree Global felt the need to acquire the equity of Malaysian Health_technology Firm ( pulsedt.tech ) Pulse Data Technologies and did it successfully.
“To support hospitals in raising their standards of Leadership & Governance, Patient Safety and Quality of Care.” [Reference]
The vision of pulsedt.tech is that all hospitals have Data-Driven Decision Making Practices (D3M) and that all hospitals have digital skills and tools to monitor, measure, and analyze the operational work in the Health care center.
Pulse Data Technologies is a tech startup in hospital operations, data analytics, and software development-based team that helps hospitals with better leadership, patient safety, and quality of care. And here the Director felt the success of that Health_technology system and acquired equity of Malaysian HealthTech Firm Pulse Data System.
So the tagline of Pulse Data System “Hospitals need clear visibility of operations, to take the right action, at the right time, for the right reason” [Reference] justified.
Pulse Data Technology will look forward to gaining a good insight into what drives the operational standards, using data visualization tools, Data Analytics tools. The adoption of digital technology by hospitals accelerated over the past 2 years and this particular makes the work easy in the field of Data Analytics for deciding to acquire the equity. OrangeTree Global was looking forward to that and grabbed the opportunity in which they are experts and is looking forward to its enormous success in the Data Analytics market. Mr. Subhra Bishnu one of the team members of Malaysian Health_technology Firm pulsedt.tech and Co-Founder of Orange Tree Global and as well as Pulse Data System.
The above decision was taken by The Director Subhra Bishnu, which will give OrangeTree a new wing in the world of Data Analytics.