Data has become the most valuable asset for large organizations. It is driving the popularity of data analytics. If you are looking forward to getting a job in the field of data analytics, R should definitely be your first choice. It is a statistical programming language. R is going to be the key to advancing your career in the field of data analytics. In today’s era, programming in R is such an important skill. So, many employers are now beginning to conduct interviews specifically dedicated to this language. R programming language is useful in statistical analysis, data manipulation, data visualization, predictive modelling, and forecast analysis. Data science with r certification course is designed to give overall knowledge on these things. Technology companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter have used this programming language. We have made a lot of research to bring out a set of interview questions for the aspirants of R programming.
(How can we find the mean of one column with respect to another?)
There are five columns in iris dataset. These columns are Sepal. Width, Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, Petal.Width and Species. We calculate the mean of Sepal-Length across different species of iris flower using the mean() function from the mosaic package.
(Which are the packages used for data imputation?)
Mi, MICE, missFores, Hmisc, imputeR, and Amelia are the packages used for data imputation. Shiny helps companies build interactive web apps straight from R. It enables professionals to work with R programming. This can use the standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R markdown document dashboards.
What are the different components of the grammar of graphics?
Data layer
Aesthetics layer
Geometry layer
Facet layer
Co-ordinate layer
Themes layer
(What is Rmarkdown? What is the use of it?)
RMarkdown is a reporting tool provided by R. You can create high-quality reports of your R code with the help of Rmarkdown. However, the output format of Rmarkdown are PDF, HTML, and WORD.
(How do you create a new R6 Class?)
Data science with r course gives complete knowledge on R6 Class. In order to create a new R6 Class, we need to first create an object template. An object template consists of the “Class Functions” and “Data Members” present in the class. An R6 object template comprises of Class Name, Public Member Functions, and Private Data Members.
(What is shinyR?)
You can also extend your Shiny apps with CSS themes, htmlwidgets, and JavaScript actions.
What is Principal Component Analysis and how can you create a PCA model in R?
Data is transformed into a new space having equal or fewer numbers of dimensions. These dimensions (features) are known as principal components. The first principal component captures the maximum variance from the original data's features. The second principal component captures the maximum amount of variability left. It is orthogonal to the first. However, this is true for each principal component.
(What are the advantages of R?)
It is Open Source
It supports in Data Wrangling
It gives Machine Learning Operations
It offers an Array of Packages
It is Platform Independent
(Is there any difference between library() and require() functions?)
The library() function gives an error message and displays while the required () function is used inside the function if the desired package cannot be loaded. It generally gives a warning message whenever a particular package is not found.
(What are GGobi and iPlots?)
GGobi is used to explore high dimensional typed data, and the iPlots is a package that provides mosaic plots, bar plots, box plots, parallel plots, scatter plots, and histograms. This open-source program is used for visualization.
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