Want to know details about Hills Twoone price? Wish to get settled in Hills Twoone? Connect with buynewlaunchnow as it is one of the best and most reckoned platforms that provide all information about newly launched projects and properties including industrial, commercial and residential ones in Singapore as well as around United Kingdom, Malaysia, Cambodia, Australia and much more.
Hills Twoone is a freehold launched apartment located at district 23 in Singapore. Surrounded by nature beauty and surroundings, Bukit Timah nature reserve and nature park, the nearby amenities and facilities include rail mall, panjang plaza, all surrounded by good and reputed schools for kids. The prime facilities and services included at the Hills Twoone price apartments are air conditioning, cooker hob and hood, water heater, 24 by 7 hours security, swimming pool, barbeque area and more. Feel free to know about the platform, buynewlaunchnow at http://www.buynewlaunchnow.com/.
The place is going to be an ideal destination for people to live in by where lush green beauty and ambience is at its peak, with all kinds of facilities and amenities. Beautifully been planned and designed by the reckoned and acknowledged group that is JGP architect, it has a 6 storey condominium including about 71 exclusive units to reside and intricate and detailed planning has been done in designing each one of them. Thoughtfully developed, the place is a perfect mix of modernity, peace, luxury, richness, and everything you will find under a single roof.
Looking for some other newly launched property to invest? Connect with the popular and highly recommended firm at http://www.buynewlaunchnow.com/ or at the below mentioned peculiars. Feel free to have any kind of discussion with them, clear all your doubts and concerns first and then invest in such projects and enjoy the gains.
Contact Melvin Wong
Mobile Phone: +65 9169 4922
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[email protected]