Vasinhos can lead to discomfort, whether physical or emotional, but you may not get helpful information unless you directly ask your doctor. Solutions might include Cirurgia de Varizes or varizes a laser treatment. What are these pesky vasinhos; are they harmless? Learn about possible issues if left untreated.
If you are unfamiliar with vasinhos, they happen to be the purplish blue delicate marks which spider along the surface of the skin, following the path of veins which are close to the surface. Why do we get these colourful lines?
When a person stands for lengthy periods of time there are venous valves and a venous pump which help regulate the flow of blood. Based on that explanation you’ve probably guessed that vasinhos occur when the veins become knotted or swollen or the venous pump fails to sufficiently move the blood. Though the veins can look like a bruise, they don’t always hurt. For many people the veins are solely a cosmetic concern. Others experience some discomfort and aching pain.
Vasinhos indicate potential circulation issues which should be investigated by your doctor. You may be able to prevent vasinhos by taking care to avoid excessive periods of standing or sitting. Elevating the legs may help, as well as wearing compression socks. Compression stockings help force the blood flow more effectively through your legs. Even if you already have some vasinhos, following those measures may prevent them from worsening. If you find that embarrassment over the veins is causing you to shift your normal daily activities, even if you aren’t in pain, it may be a good time to have a talk with your doctor. While Cirurgia de Varizes and varizes a laser treatment are available, a doctor may recommend lifestyle changes first.
• Sclerotherapy – affected veins are injected with a solution that destroys them. Don’t worry; they wouldn’t do it if those particular veins were necessary. The good news? No anesthesia needed and can be done right in the doctor’s office.
• Varizes a laser treatment – Instead of a solution being injected into the veins like Sclerotherapy, the laser shoots a burst of light onto the vein. The vein eventually fades and disappears altogether. The good news? No needles necessary.
• Cirurgia de Varizes – this section includes a variety of more invasive treatments. There are catheter-assisted procedures to heat the vein and collapse it. Vein stripping uses only a few small incisions to remove longer veins. If your doctor thinks you have a more serious situation he or she may recommend endoscopic vein surgery. This is typically reserved for those with ulcers in the leg.
Talking to your doctor is the only way to know how serious your vasinhos are. Once the doctor knows, you should be given a list of options. If health insurance is involved, check with your insurance company to see if they cover such procedures as varizes a laser treatment and Cirurgia de Varizes if you decide on either of those options.
Consult a doctor and gather information about Cirurgia de Varizes and varizes a laser treatment.