Launch of The StartupVC: Leading Venture Builder in Latin America

Posted May 2, 2020 by Craighsdempsey

Launch of The StartupVC by successful Australian Entrepreneur, Craig Dempsey will aim to capitalize on the growing Latin America region by founding, growing and expanding new B2B service companies across the region.

The StartupVC has developed an entrepreneurial methodology for identifying opportunity,
 planning, implementing and then scaling B2B service companies with a focus on the Latin American Market. As the Founder & CEO, Craig Dempsey states:

We take raw human talent, develop it, nurture it and focus it towards building new companies that can operate and scale within the B2B business environment. With ambitious plans and a thirst for growth we expect big things ahead for The StartupVC".

The StartupVC, based in Bogota, Colombia will have an initial focus on founding B2B Services companies in Colombia and then expanding those companies to the Region leveraging the regional infrastructure already in place with the wholly owned Biz Latin Hub Group. The aim is to found at least three companies during CY2020.
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Contact Email [email protected]
Issued By Craig Dempsey
Phone 3204405470
Business Address Calle 98 No 22-64
Off 617
Country Colombia
Categories Business
Tags company builder , craig , craig dempsey , thestartupvc , venture builder
Last Updated May 2, 2020