Faucets, lighting, and decor are all pieces to the puzzle of a perfect kitchen. However, among the plenty of smaller pieces, a major standout for any kitchen is the kitchen cabinets. Now, you must have spotted a design at other places that you wish to have. However, you should take a look at all the different types of cabinets before you make the big decision of installing a new one.
The shaker style kitchen cabinets largely consist of five-pieces of flat-panels, creating a frame with basically four pieces that are accompanied with a single flat center panel as the fifth piece. This design is simple but classic as they are a perfect fit for both traditional as well as contemporary kitchens.
The louvered kitchen cabinets come with horizontal wooden slabs and thus add a unique style to kitchen cabinetry. Alternatively, these kitchen cabinets are designed in such a way that they are often considered an optimum fit for windows, furniture pieces and interior doors as well.
The slab kitchen cabinet doors are relatively simple but quite stylish. Though this cabinet style essentially offers hard lines and minimalist form, lacking any expensive style. They are still considered an evergreen choice for both modern and contemporary kitchens alike.
The inset cabinets and kitchen drawers are some of the most expensive cabinets on the market. The inset-style cabinets are hugely made up of an inset door set which is fitted inside the cabinet frame, instead of outside of the frame like typical cabinet doors. Additionally, the inset kitchen cabinet doors are built using incredibly precise measurements to ensure the wood sits perfectly inside the frame and thus opens and closes absolutely correctly.
This style of cabinets is quite popular among people who love antique design styles. They are quite widely available with almost all the manufacturers and are often manufactured in varied door styles with the corners either rubbed off or accompanied by other distressing techniques to create an old feel.
The beadboard is hugely made up of rows of vertical planks made of indentation or ridges known as beads. The sedentary look of beads gives the beadboard style cabinet doors their much-needed texture and thus this design makes for a perfect country farmhouse or cottage style kitchen.
This cabinet door style is recommended when a person fails to find a door style that works well in their kitchen. The custom cabinets are generally expensive and are often a rarity as it is usually difficult to find a craftsman who can create a personalised cabinet design for the kitchen.
In a nutshell, the kitchen cabinets are undoubtedly an invincible part of kitchen decor and therefore, need to be selected after careful scrutiny, in line with other kitchen fittings and preferably with the advice of an expert.
Ronnie Joss is the author of this Article: To know more about kitchen cabinets please visit the website: Crowncabinets.ca