Do you invest in yourself. What I mean by that is, besides Anabolic Running Review eating healthy and exercising, do you continually educate yourself. Do you take time to read or listen to self-improvement books and audios. Believe it or not, doing so can make a huge difference in your overall attitude. It will also help you in your job, relationships and life in general. As you know, I was in Las Vegas for 2 different conferences. My first live motivational conference ever was Chalene Johnson's Camp Do More 2013.
I've been following Chalene for years. Not just for fitness, but also for her Social Media expertise and her Motivational Series Car Smart. She also has a book out called PUSH, which helps you get your whole life on track. If you think about it, a healthy diet and a steady exercise program alone won't make your life successful. You need to be the best person physically, mentally and spiritually in order to live your life to the fullest.
That is what Chalene teaches. Every year, she has a motivational camp called Camp Do More. I've had my eye on it and said one day, I'm going to make it to that camp. Low and behold, it was announced that Chalene was going to do her camp a few days prior to Beachbody's 2013 Coach Summit which I already had tickets for so I said, now's my opportunity to go.
I purchased two tickets, one for my husband and one for me. I know it was my first Coach Summit, but I have to be honest, I've idolized Chalene for years and I was much more excited about Camp than I was Summit. One day I got an email about having the opportunity to purchase Red Carpet tickets. This would allow us to be VIP with reserved seating, reserved exercise area, one on one time and photos with Chalene and a cocktail reception with her and her husband, Bret.