9th October 2024 - How to cure itching flaky dry skin? If you have chronic itchy, scaling, dry skin, as do so many people, you can surely empathize with this one. It can become an itch that might drive anyone up the wall and leaves the skin raw and red. But all of these can be relieved with the appropriate skin care routine you apply on your face. For help on preventing the itchy feeling and to Get rid of itching and dry skin here below are some tips;
Be Gentle
First of all, we have to remember that our skin has to be treated carefully to stop itching completely. Do not take very hot showers or baths because it tends to eliminate the skin natural oils necessary for its hydration. Shower with warm water and glycerin soap: mild and unseen scent. This is best done after the shower by merely wiping the skin with a cloth. Little scrubbing or rubbing to keep the skin from getting worse.
Moisturize Daily
Dry unhealthy skin should always be prevented by constantly moisturizing the skin. In the process of showering, it’s advised to use an intensive, hydrating moisturizer., it is using intensive, hydrating moisturizer after a shower.
Use Humidifiers
Using those machines at home as well as at work is helpful to put moisture in the air to counter dryness that takes away moisture from skin. This also can help to retain skin smooth and less scaly or flaky. The most recommended humidifiers in this case are those that are designed to dispense humidity levels of 30-50%.
Take Lukewarm Oatmeal Baths
High quality colloidal oatmeal is also used in baths and there is no better treatment for very dry, itchy skin. There are ingredients in the oatmeal that help to relax, soften, and heal inflamed skin. You can make your own soak by grinding a cup of oatmeal into a powder and pouring it under a lukewarm shower then scrubbing yourself all over with it. Let the oatmeal sip for 15-20 minutes in order to help it do its wonders.
Avoid Triggers
How to cure itching flaky dry skin? Some soaps on the market, washing powder, fabrics and other household products that are used to wash our clothes contain irritants which make the dry skin become itchy. Replace normal soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, etc. with mild, unscented and non-colored ones. Laundry detergents should also be selected in liquid form and gentle for use on tender skin. Choose thin fabrics that allow for proper ventilation like Cottons should be worn only. Avoid those things that are recognized to cause the flare up of the symptoms.
If you practice gentle skin care, moisturizing and avoiding those triggers, you can eliminate the dry, flaky, and get rid of itching. If you are not getting the relief you need through home remedies, then be patient, follow a timeline and see a qualified professional. This is good news though, as there are actually ways to Stop itching completely and to restore skin to its natural, healthy state.
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