Hilaris Conferences is hosting the International Conferences, leading worldwide researchers, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, scholars, decision makers and other professionals to gather in COPD Expo 2022 .We heartily welcome you to take part for the Hilaris Conferences and share your research for a glorious future. We seek the carry of all the stakeholders to fulfill our vision "Join us as a Learner and proceed as a Leader".
The Scientific Event held to be in Dubai is going to enfold all the divergent topics related to COPD AND Lung Health such as Lung Cancer, Asthma, Air flow blockage, shortness of breath as well as chest tightness by discussing and presenting Keynote talks, Exhibition, Symposia, Workshops, Speaker sessions. COPD Expo 2022 has planned to deliver various information and finding treatment of pulmonary diseases which will be helpful for the attendees. Our conference theme mainly focuses on “Novel insights and Therapeutic strategies on Lung cancer and COPD”
Targeted Audiences:
Directors, CEO’s of Organizations
PhD Researchers
Academics Professors
Pulmonary Surgeons
Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine
Business Professionals
Researchers & Scientists
Manufacturing Restorative Gadgets Companies
Lung Medical attendants & Nurture Practitioners Pulmonagists
Affiliations and Social orders
Respiratory physician
Medicine Experts
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION :After the submission of abstract, acknowledgement mail will be sent. Within 48 hours, you will initimate about the fate of the abstract after it undergone through our review process.
Submission Link : https://hilarisconferences.com/copd/abstract