Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata: An In-Depth Guide for Prospective Parents

Posted June 2, 2024 by fertilitycentresiliguri

Surrogacy in Kolkata costs between INR 15-20 lakhs, covering medical procedures, surrogate compensation, and legal fees. Factors like medical history and type of surrogacy influence the cost.

Surrogacy has become a beacon of hope for many couples facing infertility issues. Kolkata, with its advanced medical infrastructure and experienced specialists, is emerging as a popular destination for surrogacy in India. One of the critical aspects that prospective parents need to understand is the cost involved in the surrogacy process. This article provides a comprehensive overview of surrogacy costs in Kolkata and the factors that influence these expenses.

Understanding Surrogacy
Surrogacy is a process where a woman, known as a surrogate, carries and delivers a child for another person or couple. This method is typically chosen when the intended parents are unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term due to medical reasons. There are two main types of surrogacy:

Traditional Surrogacy: The surrogate uses her own egg, making her the biological mother of the child.
Gestational Surrogacy: The surrogate carries a fertilized egg from the intended parents or donors, and thus has no genetic link to the child.
Why Kolkata for Surrogacy?
Kolkata offers several advantages for those considering surrogacy:

Affordable Medical Care: The cost of medical treatments in Kolkata is generally lower compared to many other cities in India.
Experienced Professionals: Kolkata has a pool of highly qualified fertility specialists and surrogacy agencies.
Regulated Practices: The legal framework governing surrogacy in India ensures ethical and regulated practices, providing peace of mind to intended parents.
Breakdown of Surrogacy Costs in Kolkata
The cost of surrogacy in Kolkata can vary widely based on several factors. On average, the total cost ranges between INR 15 lakhs to INR 20 lakhs. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Medical Expenses: This includes IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) procedures, medications, and regular check-ups. Costs for these can range from INR 3 lakhs to INR 5 lakhs.
Surrogate Compensation: The surrogate mother receives compensation for carrying the baby, which typically ranges from INR 3 lakhs to INR 5 lakhs.
Legal Fees: Legal contracts and proceedings are essential to ensure that the rights of all parties are protected. Legal fees can amount to INR 1 lakh to INR 2 lakhs.
Agency Fees: Surrogacy agencies facilitate the entire process, from finding a surrogate to coordinating medical care. Agency fees are usually between INR 2 lakhs to INR 4 lakhs.
Miscellaneous Expenses: This includes costs for travel, accommodation, and additional medical needs that may arise during the pregnancy. These expenses can add up to INR 1 lakh to INR 2 lakhs.
Factors Affecting Surrogacy Costs
Several factors can influence the overall cost of surrogacy in Kolkata:

Medical History: The surrogate's and intended parents' medical histories can affect the complexity and cost of the procedure.
Type of Surrogacy: Gestational surrogacy is generally more expensive than traditional surrogacy due to the need for IVF.
Number of IVF Cycles: Sometimes, multiple IVF cycles are required to achieve a successful pregnancy, which increases the cost.
Surrogate Health and Care: Additional healthcare needs for the surrogate can add to the overall expenses.
Choosing surrogacy is a significant decision that involves emotional and financial commitments. Understanding the surrogacy costs in Kolkata can help intended parents plan better and make informed decisions. With its affordable healthcare, experienced professionals, and supportive legal framework, Kolkata stands out as a viable option for those considering surrogacy.

For more detailed information and personalized guidance, it is advisable to consult with a reputable surrogacy center in Kolkata.

FAQs About Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata
1. What is the average cost of surrogacy in Kolkata?
The average cost ranges between INR 15 lakhs to INR 20 lakhs.

2. What factors influence the cost of surrogacy?
Factors include medical history, type of surrogacy, number of IVF cycles, and surrogate health care needs.

3. Are there any additional costs apart from the main expenses?
Yes, additional costs can include travel, accommodation, and unforeseen medical needs.

4. How can I find a reliable surrogacy agency in Kolkata?
Research online reviews, consult with fertility specialists, and seek recommendations from trusted sources.
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Issued By Fertility Centre Siliguri
Phone 8368357006
Business Address Fertility Centre Siliguri, Sevoke Rd,
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Country India
Categories Health
Tags surrogacy cost in kolkata , cost of surrogacy in kolkata , surrogacy kolkata , surrogacy in kolkata cost , surrogacy package in kolkata , kolkata surrogacy cost , surrogacy , surrogacy cost
Last Updated June 2, 2024