London, UK: Frequency Precision has been a leading provider of wireless systems and services for more than 35 years. The company offers smart devices, including buttoned nurse call systems for seizure detection, fall detection, and live bed monitoring. With the help of medical alert devices from Frequency Precision, nursing homes can monitor patients continuously and receive prompt pager alerts for wandering, falls, or other health emergencies. This smart device is ideal for seniors who may have trouble pushing a button or knocking over a bell for help.
The new buttoned nurse call system uses advanced technology to detect epileptic seizures and send alerts to nurses' smartphones and also helps record patient activity in every room for each floor on a centralized system. The easy-to-press nurse call button triggers an alert that notifies the nurse of the patient's location and room number and guides them to the patient's bedside in seconds with potentially life-saving interventions. The buttoned nurse call system is also designed to provide patients with peace of mind while they sleep and help caregivers monitor their health and safety.
The nurse call systems feature a customizable alert system that allows the patient to select from various types of alerts, including voice, vibration, and light, for when it is time for medications or assistance. The buttoned nurse call systems can be used by hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home healthcare providers. The company's mission is to provide healthcare facilities with affordable solutions customized according to their needs.
Talking about their vision to contribute to the healthcare industry, a company representative mentioned, “The team at Frequency Precision is extremely proud to offer our one-in-a-kind range of affordable healthcare solutions. Since we understand every patient has different medical needs, we give our best to help you find the right medical options.”
He further added, “Our Airlert healthcare devices are precise, reliable, and easy-to-use, designed specifically to assistpatients with chronic diseases like epilepsy, dementia, and Alzheimer's effectively, while also reducing the burden from the nursing staff.”
Among other services are bed occupancy sensor pads, floor pressure mats, and pendant alarms that alert caregivers when an individual has fallen or is experiencing a medical emergency. The company also provides fall detection systems that use sensors and wireless technology to monitor activity and detect falls. In addition, those interested can also buy motion and door sensors to allow staff in a nursing facility to track patients and prevent unassisted wandering.
About The Company
Frequency Precision is a trusted brand known for providing state-of-the-art medical sensing devices and alert management systems. They offer a range of patented Airlert devices, including sensors for fall prevention/detection as well as for buttoned call alerts and seizure detection. It is aimed to help ease the lives of people with disabilities, including seniors and people with dementia.
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