Persons deciding not to have the system cleaned may decide to remove any contaminants from the heat exchanger by using a small broom to loosen the debris and a shop vacuum to collect them. However, according to allergy sufferers that have had the procedure done in their home, it allows them to live without allergy flare ups.Many of the professional duct cleaning companies include cleaning of the heat exchanger as a part of their overall service.. You can easily check your ducts by removing some registers and looking inside to see if there is any buildup located in the ducts. The beginning of heating and of air conditioning seasons are good times to check the coils.If only the Refrigeration Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers Manufacturers heat exchanger needs cleaning, this service is often offered by heating and air conditioning service companies as a part of the normal system maintenance.
One thing both the advocates and adversaries agree on is that the key to keeping your ducts free of allergens is to use the best quality air filter that you can afford.The cost of professional duct cleaning can run from several hundred to a thousand dollars. It also helps to keep your system running at peak efficiency and can save money on heating or cooling bills. It is possible that without the correct equipment, he may actually spread more allergens into your home than if the system had been left along. Remember that many fiber filters are far from effective at keeping a system clean. This can get rid of many of the allergens and possible mold or mildew. If the cleaner shows up with little more than a shop vacuum, do yourself a favor and send him on down the road. This part of your heating or air conditioning system needs to be inspected about twice each year.The EPA says that there is no proof that duct cleaning makes any difference in your home.
If you choose disposable filters, you should use one that has a z-fold and is made of paper.Once you have had your system cleaned professionally, be sure that you keep it clean by changing your filters regularly.Occasionally you will find a company that is offering the duct cleaning service at a cut rate. The filter needs to be changed regularly to keep the system clean and to lower heating and cooling bills. Persons interested in having the procedure in their home should consider some of the following items. In addition, it is quite likely that before the job is done that the cut rate will have grown with additional fees. Many people have found out the hard way that these companies are inexperienced and lack the professional machinery to do an adequate job at cleaning your duct work. These filters allow air to flow freely, but keep out most dust and dirt as well as allergens.Besides checking inside the register, you can turn off the system power and oven a service panel which gives access to the heat exchanger