Arlington Heights, IL—Feb 10th, 2020: Seekers of hidden truth and enlightenment are taking digital media by storm, as the medium lends itself really well to self-learners and truth seekers. Karl Mollison, who runs and manages the Get Wisdom project, is fully aware of the changing nature of the media landscape, and has expanded his outreach as a result.
Karl Mollison is a scientist, researcher, and channeler who has written articles, developed videos, and conducted hundreds of divine channelings and healing sessions over the past many years. He offers sessions and learning opportunities to people around the world through his online Get Wisdom project.
Two of his more popular ventures are his online courses and his divine inspiration sessions. The online nature of these offerings makes them accessible to a large number of people around the world.
Speaking about his expanded enterprise, Karl said, “We understand that learning and acquiring wisdom is complicated. For many people—especially in many troubled regions of the world—the curiosity and interest are there, but not the means.
With Get Wisdom, there is no physical location they need to travel to and no extra money that needs to be spent in order to relocate. All they need is an electronic device and a working internet connection, and they have all the learning they need, right at their fingertips.”
Since its inception, many interested students have signed up for Karl Mollison’s online courses and divine inspiration sessions. They have a front row seat in experiencing the divine revelations bringing wisdom about today’s world.
Mollison hopes to continue and further develop his enterprise as more individuals join him in learning how to save and heal humanity. The Get Wisdom project also offers a forum that allows interested individuals a chance to network and socialize with like-minded people.
About Get Wisdom
Get Wisdom is a forum founded and managed by scientist and channeler Karl Mollison, who is assisted by attorney Brian Kelly, and researcher Denny Hunt. The Get Wisdom project is an amalgamation of podcasts, videos, writings, discussion forums, and more, with the central focus on spiritual healing and divine channeling.
Phone: 1-847-577-3750
Address: Arlington Heights, IL