I had more energy (but not every day).
Even better, I had so much energy and I didn't experience the typical mid-afternoon energy slumps. Gym time was a bit of a challenge. Without carbs, your body has to burn fat for energy, and some days, that will leave you feeling drained of energy during a workout. That's OK. Stick with it, and try again tomorrow.
Usually, when a person does not lose weight on the keto diet, it is because they have not achieved ketosis.
The most common reason for not getting into ketosis is not cutting back enough on carbs. According to a 2019 articleTrusted Source on the Shark Tank Keto Pills diet, carbohydrates should represent only 5–10% of a person’s calorie intake.
Specifically, most keto diets require a person to cut down to between 20 and 50 grams of carbs each day.
Sometimes, a person may feel as though they have drastically reduced their carb intake. However, they may still be eating enough carbs for the body to produce energy from glucose, and this will prevent the body from burning fat.
A person who is not losing weight on the keto diet may benefit from purchasing a home testing kit. These kits contain test strips that check for the presence of ketones in the urine. A positive result indicates that the body is in ketosis.
Another option is to use a small machine called a ketone breath analyzer that detects ketones in the breath.
Home testing can be a helpful way for people to ensure that they are actually entering ketosis. People can use this information to make dietary changes that will help them achieve their weight loss goals.
2. Eating too much protein
Many low carb diets allow for a moderate amount of protein. Some people mistakenly think that a low carb, high protein diet is a keto diet. However, this type of diet is unlikely to cause ketosis because the body can break down excess proteins into amino acids and convert them to types of sugar.
A person who is on the keto diet will get most of their calories from fat, which should represent about 55–60%Trusted Source of their calorie intake. This fat intake leaves little room for protein. If protein makes up more than 35% of a person’s diet, it is unlikely that they are going into ketosis.Shark Tank Keto Pills