Godox have announced the long awaited and very much anticipated AD360II-C, TTL version of their popular Witstro bare bulb flash units, with both Master and Slave capability built-in via 2.4GHz radio transceivers.
And early AD360II-C listings have already started to appear on Ebay from around $500 with shipping.
Not only do the AD360II-C provide both ETTL radio Master and Slave modes for Canon, they also provide an auto switching ITTL radio Slave mode for Nikon as well.
So both Canon and Nikon camera systems can be used with the same off camera AD360II-C slave flashes. The AD360II-C automatically switching between Canon and Nikon Slave modes as required.
UPDATE – From firmware V2.6 onwards, Sony radio Slave mode has been added to the AD360II-C as well.
The AD360II-C also combine with the new Godox X1-C TTL flash triggers used as transmitter units on the camera. (And X1-N transmitters for Nikon once they are available).
Powerful 300Ws – GN80, ISO 100 at 28mm Zoom Equivalent (Standard Reflector)
Flash Modes – ETTL / M / Multi
HSS to 1/8000th
FEC / FEB – 1/3rd Increments (±3 Stops)
FEL (Flash Exposure Lock)
Manual Flash – 1/128 – 1/1 Output (1/3rd Increments)
Godox 2.4GHz X Radio System
ETTL Radio Master Mode
ETTL & ITTL Radio Slave Mode (Auto Switching)
Range – 100m + with X1 as Transmitter
Range – 70m+ with AD360II-C as Transmitter
Ratio Group Mode – A / B / C
32 Channels
Canon Optic Wireless Master & Slave Modes
Ratio Group Mode – A / B / C
4 Channels
Head Swivel 0 – 270 Degrees, Head Tilt -15 – 90 Degrees
Large Dot Matrix LCD Display
AF Assist Light (Automatic)
450 Full Power Flashes (With BP960 Battery Pack)
0.05 – 4.5 Second Recycle Time (Halved With 2 Into 1 Battery Cord)
Modeling flash
Custom Functions
Auto Memory Function
Micro USB Port for Firmware Upgrades
USB Port Receiver Socket (For FTR-16 etc)
PC Sync Port
3.5mm Sync Port
Source: http://flashhavoc.com/godox-witstro-ad360ii-c-ttl-flash-announced/
For more, please access to http://www.godox.com/EN/index.html.