SEO Training in Bangalore from I Digital Academy will help you to understand the concept of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how you can leverage key techniques to improve your website’s organic ranking on search engine results pages (SERPS) to drive more traffic. It also covers key terminology and technical insights necessary to cultivate an effective SEO strategy.
You will explore keyword research and the process of selecting suitable keywords for your website for effective SEO, as well as other types of optimization for online content during the SEO Training process. You will understand how to create and include effective content and use meta-tags throughout your website.
SEO Training in Bangalore will also explore how websites are viewed and evaluated by search engine spiders, and how to speed up the SEO indexation process. We also provide Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore where you will learn about a range of specialist tools that are available to help common search engines find, view and rate websites.
Our SEO Training Classes will also cover off-page elements of optimization including inbound linking and techniques that can boost a website’s inbound link popularity. You will recognize how SEO is content-driven, and understand the importance of creating fresh, relevant and original content to enhance your ranking.
This SEO Training module will enable you to monitor and manage your SEO activity by setting a baseline and regularly measuring activity against your pre-determined goals.