Flood insurance is a very important policy for homeowners who are residing in areas where the risks of flooding are possible. No matter how mild or severe, floods can have a considerable effect to any homeowner and that is why insurance policies are absolutely necessary. Though you might see the same insurance policy from various companies, flood insurance rates tend to be standardized among all providers who offer the FEMA or NFIP policy. However, private flood insurance exists and most lenders will accept it. The savings are phenomenal. If you think you are in need of this insurance policy, it is vital that you understand the rating system and other important factors.
Understanding the National flood Insurance Program
The National Flood Insurance Program is a nationwide program that is offered by the federal government through FEMA. Generally flood insurance rates are similar no matter who sells the policy or where it is offered across the country as long as they are backed by the NFIP. However, there are a few private flood insurance companies who are highly rated and accepted by most home lenders. This policy is sold separately from the standard homeowners’ policy as floods are not covered by typical homeowners insurance policies. In fact, flood insurance will already be required by the lender based on what flood zone the property lies in. The policy can offer coverage of up to $250,000 as protection for the home structure and around $100,000 for the home contents. Excess coverage is available for people who want higher limits.
Flood insurance rates
Flood Insurance premiums are determined by whether your location is actually high risk or not. There are two kinds of policies to consider: the standard and preferred risk policies. These policies can be further divided depending on the risks. There is the high risk bracket and the moderate to low risk bracket. Depending on which policy you fit in, the coverage can vary depending on what you want to include. From there, you can gauge the actual flood insurance rates to be covered by the company.
For Moderate to low risk zones
The flood insurance rates for the preferred-risk policy covers zones B, C and X and the coverage for such areas are for building and contents or contents only. The annual premium can range from $129 to $405 depending on the type of structure. For Contents only coverage, the policy can cost you from $49 to $238 annually. The amount of coverage can range from $8000 to $100,000 so it pays to talk to an expert so that they can assess the right amount of coverage to fit your needs.
In terms of standard policies, you can choose from building and content coverage, building-only and contents-only coverage, the standard policies have bigger premiums compared to the PRP. For building and contents, the amount of premium you pay a year can range from $503 to $2717. For building only coverage, the cost can range from $364 to $1046 while in Contents-Only, the range can be from $179 to $711.
For high risk areas, the flood insurance rates normally are very expensive with rates ranging from $472 to $2930 for Standard A-zone policies up to $518 to $6000 for standard coastal area flood insurance policies.
So how can you save 40% or more? Simply contact www.sacramentofloodinsurance.net in less than 30 seconds you can send your info to get an instant flood quote and save hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars!
Understanding the national flood insurance program http://www.sacramentofloodinsurance.net is vital for any homeowner living in Sacramento. Let us help you find the best policy to best suit your dwelling or business. Our company provides accurate and reliable flood insurance rates http://www.sacramentofloodinsurance.net so that you get the right coverage to match your risks.