All major currencies of the world float in the currency market along with other not so well know currencies. These currencies keep on fluctuating in comparison to other currencies. How many units of another currency can be bought with a single unit of your own currency is known as the exchange rate of that currency in relation to your currency. Barring a few major currencies like US dollar, Yen, Euro, British Pound, Canadian Dollar etc that do not face great fluctuations, rest of the currencies keep on changing their exchange rates. The currency rate of a currency is always in relation with another currency such as the US dollar and this is known as a currency pair.
Exchange Rate of A Currency Is Volatile and Keeps On Fluctuating
The exchange rate or the currency rate is dependent upon many factors that include both national as well as international factors. The political stability of a country, the condition of its economy, its relations with other countries and its trade with other countries all play an important role in deciding its currency rate. If the country is dependent upon import of petroleum to meet its energy needs and its exchange rate falls in terms of dollars, it has to pay a very high price to import petroleum leading to a spiraling of prices of all commodities.
Keeping the impact of a low exchange rate of a currency in mind, all governments strive to maintain status quo as far as currency exchange rate is concerned. This is because even a strong currency can harm national interests. A strong currency makes imports cheaper but makes exports from the country very expensive thus causing damage to local industries as they cannot export to earn foreign exchange for the country.
People Make Money through the Movement of Rates of Currencies
In the last few years, trading in currencies has become very popular and Forex markets have become bigger and stronger than ever. Forex markets have given people a good alternative to invest money. Trading in currencies is easier and goes on 24X7 whereas share markets close in the evenings. This means that no matter where you live, you can trade in currencies sitting in your home with the help of the internet. All you need is a little knowledge of how forex markets operate and what the current exchange rates of various currencies are.
Knowing the Latest Currency Rates Is Very Important In This Trade
There are many ways to keep track of current exchange rates such as live television, help from a broker, and a currency converter. A currency converter is a tool that flashes latest exchange rates of various currencies like a calculator and keeps an investor informed to take wise decisions in the Forex market. Even a slight movement of a currency, whether upward or downward, gives an investor an opportunity to make profits. Any wrong information can lead to disastrous results. Keeping a currency converter in one’s pocket to keep abreast of the latest currency rate is a prudent idea.
Click on the links for details on any currency rate and currency converter .