There was a time when the kitchen was regarded as being the hottest part of the house, characterized by a lot of chaos and hence not even worth a visit. However, times have changed and modern homes now feature designer kitchens which are often exposed to outsiders and thus need to be presentable. For this reason, today people take a lot of pains and often spend a fortune decorating their kitchen. But as a specialist would tell you, in order for designer kitchens Melbourne to look nice they must conform to a particular theme and blend with the décor of the house.
If you have a large family and enjoy inviting people over for meals, then Venice is the way to go for you. Designer kitchens based on the Venice theme feature wine bottles, grapes, ovens, and coffee makers. Because cooking and eating together in Italy is an age-old tradition, many experts include a television as a part of the kitchen-cum-dining area as well. Venice is renowned all over the world for its waterways, which is why designer kitchens Melbourne are often decorated with pictures, rugs, hand towels, and vases depicting this aspect of the city.
Who can beat the French at cooking and maintaining elaborate kitchens? French cuisine has dominated the culinary world for ages, but have you ever wondered where it all originated? The answer is French country kitchens— and even today it is possible to find designer kitchens in French farmhouses serving the same delectable food. Designer kitchens Melbourne which are based on the French country theme are characterized by accessories in bright colors like poppy red, meadow green, and sunset purple set against ivory or white walls.
A natural setting is a must for French country designer kitchens and this is incorporated in terms of floors, countertops, and wooden furnishings. Natural stone floors are ideal for any kitchen, and some popular choices in this regard are limestone, travertine stone, and marble. When it comes to tiling designer kitchens Melbourne, granite is a good choice, since, in addition to looking elegant, it is durable and non-slippery. Likewise, material for the countertop should be chosen in accordance with the intended workload, and wooden furnishings in form of shutters and cabinet doors complete the setting.
Given the growing trend towards exoticism, African designer kitchens are all the rage at the moment because not only do they bring about brightness, but they also add a touch of spice to otherwise dull and colorless surroundings. At the very mention of Africa, the mind envisions warm earth colors, bright South African colors, and handcrafted artifacts like baskets, masks, and carvings. One suggestion pertaining to this theme which designer kitchens Melbourne must strictly adhere to involves to avoiding cluttering— whether this be on the countertops or the walls.
Experimenting with various elements is a way of life in this contemporary era, and an outcome of this experimentation is the rustic themes designer kitchens are now featuring. By definition, “rustic” refers to a seamless blend of country with contemporary, and owing to this, a rustic kitchen features classic subtlety amidst a modern ambiance. Anyone standing in such a designer kitchens Melbourne would find himself surrounded by the latest kitchen innovations set amongst vintage accessories and rural décor. Characteristic colors of a rustic environment are red, orange, and gold, although variations are also permitted.
One of the best aspects of designer kitchens is that they can be built around a particular theme. In this way, designer kitchens Melbourne can be integrated seamlessly with the rest of the house without compromising functionality.