On the 24th of February 2022, the Russian army invaded their neighbor Ukraine. The world was shocked and many countries, especially in the West, sanctioned Russia for this invasion. Private companies responded to the war in various ways. For example, some closed their business activity in Russia.
The Happy Beavers wanted to respond to the horrific events by writing about it. We collected data on the 50 biggest companies in Russia and discovered some interesting insights which we shared in our report. We are a content marketing firm that has close ties to Ukraine and employs many Ukrainian nationals. That’s why we decided to respond to this war in a way that suits our company: with content. You can download our report now for free on our website.
What will you find in our report?
On the 7th of March 2022 we published our special report about the way foreign companies in Russia responded to the war in Ukraine. While conducting our research on the state of foreign businesses in Russia, we found that only 22% of the largest companies have closed. We also learned some other interesting details which will be explained in our report, which you can download now on our website.
Finding data on foreign companies in Russia
On social media people are announcing to boycott all the foreign companies which still operate in Russia. However, it could be hard to find all the data on which company is still operating in Russia and which one is not. Our report will give you all this information and will keep you informed without reading many news articles about every single company. It will also inform you which consequences economic sanctions have on the companies which are active in Russia and the ways they responded towards the war.
Everyone who is interested in reading our research on these companies in Russia, can download the report now for free on our website. So there is no need to pay for this report as we would like to share our insights with you as easily as possible.
Why this report?
We decided to conduct this research as our company has very tight links with Ukraine. Although we are a remote working company, a lot of employees are from Ukrainian heritage, are still working in the country or fled the Ukrainian territory.
This personal connection with the current events and the country was the main reason for us to start sharing and conducting information about the war and the response of the world on the war. The main aim of our report is to give you insight into what you can do as an individual or to simply inform you about what’s happening in Europe and Russia on a business level.
Our CEO Luka Karsten Breitig replied to the launch of this report: “Considering the devastating effects of the war against Ukraine, our company has decided to shed some light on how businesses active in Russia react to this major historic event."
Download full report here https://thehappybeavers.com/blog/international-companies-in-russia/
About us
The Happy Beavers is a content marketing company that offers quality content writing services tailored to your needs and budget in over 30 languages.
Contact details
Address: Sepapaja tn 6, 15551 Tallinn, Estonia
[email protected]