During this time of pandemic COVID 19 many people are facing stress in their life and to overcome this situation there is a need for empowerment coaching. The question that comes to your mind is how to come across a coach who provides the best empowerment coaching? Kay Wilson is a professional intuitive energy healer & empowerment coach helping individuals to live a better life by overcoming deep stress and other physical discomforts. Kay Wilson is associated with Northern Beaches Clinic in Village Chiropractic Manly, Market PI, Manly NSW and is passionate about empowerment of body and mind. While being a thought leader in personal power she has featured on Married at First Sight as couple consultant, Change Maker in Mindfulness in PE Nation campaignand is also a regular blogger on Apple News as well as contributor to bellamumma and Rescu. To know more about her you can have a quick glance through the website kaywilson.love.
Kay being an energy healer has worked for healthcare, corporate clients, young babies in intensive care, patients in and out of hospital and elderly at home. She is exceptionally known for her healing and life coaching, as she is passionate about energetic health and peace of mind for which different techniques are developed that help in integrating mindful as well as energetic living in daily life.
Kay is an experienced expert in this field, as has 15 years of experience in the corporate world that makes her understand the mental as well as emotional problems faced by individuals. She helps individuals to release themselves from negative patterns and destructive behaviors, as this helps to overcome stress, depression and other challenging problems.All those who are willing to join a wellbeing program Australia option must enroll to the workshops of Kay, as she is the best wellness coach and meditation guide. Apart from this she is also trained in yoga therapy, crystal dreaming and Reiki healing.
Still having queries? You are absolutely free to contact Kay directly via email or phone call. Contact details are available on the website for the same and you shall get a quick response to all your questions for sure.
Contact details:
Name: Kay Wilson
Website: www.kaywilson.love
Phone: 0468 642 879
Address: Village Chiropractic Manly, 1/3 Market Pl, Manly NSW 2095