If you’re looking to get your Florida liquor license application, there are definitely some things you need to keep in mind. Here are some guidelines to follow in order to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as it can as you make your way through Florida liquor license laws.
Florida Liquor License Laws
It’s important to navigate through the laws when you’re looking for your Florida liquor license application to be successful. For one thing, it’s important to note that not all licenses are the same. You’re going to want to make sure that you pick the right license for your needs. You can’t get one type and then end up not following the prescriptions for that type, for example, this is something that will only serve to get you in trouble with the law.
Florida Liquor License Types
There are multiple types of licenses in Florida, and one of the big ones is called a 4cop license. There are two types of these licenses that you have to pay attention to in general. The first one is called the 4Cop Quota license. This license makes it so that you can do serve alcohol on your premises as long as everything is sealed up. Generally, this license is for those that can’t quite meet the other type of license, which is called the 4COP SRX license. This license means that you can serve alcohol that’s open, and people can drink it right on your premises. In fact, the license makes it so that the people you serve are required to drink it on the premises. Doing anything else would not be legal. In order to get this kind of license, it’s required that you meet certain requirements. For example, your establishment has to be a certain size, and you have to provide a certain number of seats for everyone. This is important to know as part of the Florida Liquor License types.
Florida Liquor License Lottery
Every year, the state of Florida gives out liquor licenses that haven’t yet been issued according to the quota of 4COP licenses allowed for the year. Florida law dictates that you can only have so many 4COP licenses allowed per year. So, that’s why a Florida Liquor License Lottery is held. Any citizen of the state is allowed to enter the lottery in the hope of winning the right to apply for one of the licenses allowed per year.
Liquor License Outlet
Phone : (561) 827-1111