Noticing things are acting up a bit in the wrong way down below? It could be a lack of boner or maybe a dwindling of desire. Perhaps a man can get it up, but he can’t release to get it back down. No matter the male organ problem, there are a few habits a man can turn around to get his genital health back in balance. Here are a few everyday habits that can cause a limp lover and the ways a man can remedy it.
Habit #1: Chowing Down on Fried Foods
Any man who wants a powerful hard-on needs to ban drive-thru’s (don’t do walk up either). Foods that are high in cholesterol and trans fats, like those sinful pork tenderloin sandwiches and fries, can put a stopper on blood flow to the area causing a significant male organ problem. These types of foods can cause inflammation in the blood vessels, which inhibits blood movement to a man’s joint.
Fix it: Eat a diet full of protein, healthy carbs, fruits, veggies, and good fats. Not only will it make a man feel better and be healthier overall, but it will also make him “strong like bull” in the cajones. Make fried foods an occasional cheat, not a habitual meal to keep genital health high.
Habit #2: Lay off the Sauce
Every man has heard of the infamous male organ problem: whiskey wiener, the ill-famed deflation of the member due to the imbibing mass quantities of alcohol (not whiskey specifically). Whiskey wiener can also go the other way; a man can get an hard-on but just can’t make it to the goal line, leaving him unsatisfied and his partner probably pretty sore.
Those are short-term issues though, right? Wrong! Over time, alcoholism can lead a man to lack of interest in making the love and member dysfunction. Also, drinking can impair judgment which can lead to pregnancies and partner transmitted infections.
On the flip-side, men who keep their drinking to a minimum have stronger hard-ons and more intense releases.
Fix it: Know when to say when. The CDC recommends a man have no more two drinks each day. If it’s too hard to do solo, find a program to help.
Habit #3: Getting too Little REM (not the band)
Not only does getting too little sleep affect a man’s member, but it also affects his demeanor, and no one wants to have relations with a Grumpy Gus. Clinically, lack of sleep can reduce hormone which is critical for knocking those boots. Not getting enough restorative sleep then decreases drive and can cause member dysfunction.
Fix it: It’s pretty straightforward – get those seven to eight hours of sleep each night to avoid this male organ problem. No excuses. Turn off screens an hour (minimum) before bedtime and relax instead to ensure a nice transition from a busy day into a blissful slumber.
Habit #4: Loving One’s Self a Little Too Hard or Too Much
Self-gratification is a healthy and utterly normal practice among humans around the world. Excessive self-pleasure, however, can desensitize the member and result in member dysfunction. It can also cause a man to be less responsive when he engages intimately with a partner because he is so used to the tension and rapid stroking of his hand.
Fix it: Keep self-gratification in a healthy zone. If it gets harder and harder to release while stroking one’s self or with a partner, it may mean a man is getting in too much alone time in. Take a knee and let the member resensitize. If it’s become an addiction, seek professional help.
Habit #5: Getting Clipper Crazy
First of all, kudos on the manscaping! It’s a wonderful way to keep the member fresh and safeguard sensitivity (not to mention it makes everything appear a bit bigger). However, according to a study published in JAMA Dermatology, it was found that of the 66 percent of men who said they groom the downstairs, 26 percent experienced an injury related to sheering the sheep. Too much grooming the private parts can actually lead to bacterial and fungal infections, cuts, and razor burn; all of which are definitely not fun male organ problems to have.
Fix it: Find a method of hair removal that works and be very careful when doing it to preserve genital health. Also, don’t weed-wack too often to keep the skin in fine form. Even better, use a restorative specially formulated genital health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to heal and soothe the delicate manhood skin. It’s calming and promotes elasticity which makes skin stronger and more flexible.
Visit for additional information on most common genital health issues, tips on improving sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.