Every good wine lover ends up spilling a drop of wine at some time on clothes, it is a matter of probability. To clean wine stains there are several possibilities, but you have to keep in mind that the longer you spend, the worse. The following are some of the best remedies suggested by the New York Laundry service.
1. Salt: This is a classic solution. Salt absorbs the stain, especially in tablecloths and carpets, as it helps it not spread through the fibers. But don't leave it too long or it may be fixed.
2. A combination of liquid detergent and hydrogen peroxide: This mixture is perfect for clothes. Perform the fusion first and then apply it, let it act and then wash the clothes normally. Be careful, this trick is better for light clothes since hydrogen peroxide tends to eat the colors.
3. White vinegar and detergent: Cover the entire wine stain with white vinegar, as it neutralizes red and violet pigments. Once you have done this, start rubbing with detergent and wash everything with hot water.
4. White wine: White wine tannins help neutralize. It is necessary to moisten a clean cloth or a sponge in white wine and, without rubbing, apply it to small touches on the stain. Leave on and wash.
5. Baking soda: It is a good trick complementary to the previous one. Mix baking soda with a little water until a thick mass is left, apply on the stain and leave on for several hours so that the area is always wet.
6. Boiling water: This trick is ideal for tablecloths, although it is a bit more laborious. Find a large bowl and stretch the tablecloth over it, holding it with elastic bands. Then pour boiling water over the stain.
7. Milk: If the stain is very dry, the thing gets complicated. But you can try to eliminate by heating the milk and putting the press to soak in it and letting it act until it disappears.
8. Water, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia: If none of the above has worked, there is a somewhat more aggressive trick, but it should work. The proportions are 5 parts of water, 1 of hydrogen peroxide and 4 of ammonia. Leave the press to soak in the mixture for a few hours and then wash normally.
Even after trying all these methods, if you are still not able to remove, the best and easy solution is to use New York Laundry service.