Spiritual teacher Dragan Godslight who received God's light and that God works through him ,heals, receives visions, messages. All the merits of God, nothing goes from us, everything goes through us. To answer the question that seizes the attention of a huge number of people Do we die? The answer is NO. We are energy, we are not a body, we just leave the body. The body is our vehicle. Do we reborn again? It depends on the merits . When doing good works and following God's way there is chance not to come back to the body again in next life and finish the circle of doing it. Therefore, now is the moment to start changing and to deserve the rewards of God. Another question that seizes the great attention. If you are wondering if souls meet after death, if you have doubts and fear of separation, then do not worry. People who are connected by the blood of blood and spiritual kinship during their life loving and caring for each other, meet again in any life.Death has no power over the eternal soul.Let God's light shine in you.