Dubai, UAE - Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your little one. While for some newborn babies and mothers, breastfeeding is a smoother journey, for some of them, it’s challenging because of tongue-tie and lip-tie in infants. Here, let’s take a look at what these conditions are, how they impact breastfeeding, and what parents can do to address the effects of tongue-tie or lip-tie on little babies.
Understanding Tongue-Tie and Lip-Tie in Little Babies
Tongue-tie (medical name: ankyloglossia) is a birth condition where a child experiences having their tongue tied to the floor of the mouth, resulting in difficulties with speech, breastfeeding, and eating.
A lip tie occurs when there is a malformation of the tissue or membrane, known as the labial frenum, located behind the baby's lips. This condition leads to limited movement of the lips, impacting various functions such as breastfeeding and oral hygiene.
Signs and Symptoms of Tongue-Tie or Lip-Tie in Children
Recognizing the signs of tongue-tie and lip-tie can help parents seek early intervention or care from specialists at the best Pediatric or Pediatric Dental Clinic in Dubai.
Some common signs include difficulty latching onto the breast, clicking noises while breastfeeding, poor weight gain, lengthy feeding sessions, maternal nipple pain, or fussiness during baby feeding.
It's essential for parents to consult with the best Pediatrician in Dubai if they suspect their baby may have a tongue-tie or lip-tie to receive a proper diagnosis and guidance.
Impact of Tongue-tie and Lip-tie on a Baby's Breastfeeding
Tongue-tie and lip-tie can significantly affect your baby's ability to breastfeed effectively. A tight or short frenulum can make it challenging for the baby to latch onto the breast properly.
Without a proper latch, the baby may struggle to extract milk efficiently, leading to inadequate milk transfer, nipple pain, or frustration for both the baby and the breastfeeding parent.
Babies with tongue-tie or lip-tie may also experience difficulty maintaining suction while breastfeeding, leading to fewer feeding sessions and less weight gain. Consulting with the best Pediatric Dentist in Dubai can help your baby get a proper diagnosis and treatment for a tongue-tie or lip-tie condition.
Treatment Options for Tongue-Tie or Lip-Tie in Children
The best kids Dentist in Dubai can recommend various treatment options for tongue-tie and lip-tie conditions in your baby to improve breastfeeding results. One such treatment option is frenectomy, in which a Pediatric Dentist severs the tissue causing the tongue-tie with the help of state-of-the-art equipment.
This tongue tie surgery procedure is relatively quick and can be done in the Pediatric Dental Clinic without any discomfort for the baby. After the procedure, many babies show immediate improvement in their ability to latch and breastfeed effectively.
At myPediaclinic, we understand the challenges that parents may face when dealing with their child’s tongue-tie and lip-tie, which affect breastfeeding. Our experienced pediatric specialists and the best kids Dentist in Dubai offer compassionate and expert care to address these concerns effectively.
Through thorough evaluation and diagnosis, our team of Pediatricians in Dubai can determine the best course of treatment for your child, whether it involves a Frenectomy or other tongue and lip tie surgery treatment options. We provide support and guidance to breastfeeding mothers, ensuring they have the resources and assistance needed to overcome breastfeeding challenges and nurture a strong bond with their baby. Trust and contact myPediaclinic to provide comprehensive care and support for you and your little one's breastfeeding journey.
About myPediaclinic:
myPediaclinic is a multi-specialist Pediatric Clinic in Dubai, offering a wide range of healthcare services for young patients. The specialties include Pediatrics, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, and Nutrition. As one of the most trusted and kid-friendly clinics in the country, the doctors and staff at myPediaclinic are focused on delivering quality treatment and consultation for the long-term health and well-being of their patients.