National College Australia
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new logo and a series of new NCA (National College Australia) sub-brands.
Since our establishment in 2004, National College Australia has grown and evolved in so many ways that it was time to redesign the logo to reflect our personality and our vision of what we represent in the marketplace.
The new logo crystallizes the acronym ‘NCA’ and sits in the centre of clear, white space. It is modern, crisp and simple, which is a perfect reflection of who we are today.
We believe that education, regardless of when, where or how its is undertaken, needs to be dynamic, meaningful and uncomplicated. We want to keep things as simple as possible for our students and our people so we can have the time and the energy to focus on what really is important.
Over the last twelve months, we have been focused on developing our services to give our students much better value in learning and employment outcomes. By the end of 2018, all new students will be using NCA POINT, a new Learner Management System that will simplify the learning and assessment process. We have also improved our RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) services and joined forces with JobGetter and InPlace as part of an overhaul of our work placement and job seeker programs. To represent these different services, we are launching our sub-brand series.
Our brand is at the core of our identity and our logo is its symbol. We are very proud to be sharing the changes with you and we hope you enjoy the new NCA as much as we do.
National College Australia RTO ID 91000
For more information you can visit their website:
About National College Australia
National College Australia was established in 2003 by KinCare, a leading provider of aged care services in Australia. They are one of Australia’s most respected Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), with a range of online education courses that helps to secure job and future in community services.
An ASQA audit conducted in 2015 found that National College Australia is compliant with the VET Quality Framework and all industry standards. This means the qualification you receive from National College Australia is recognized by industry organizations and all other RTOs in Australia.