Storytelling is an effective teaching tool to enhance communication skills and build confidence. Thus it also builds non verbal skills. Many people lack confidence and are intimidated by any kind of communication. So what can help them build up their confidence? Let’s discuss.
A good story telling program can help you gain confidence. Every human being is a natural storyteller. If you are in a job that involves delivering speeches, showing presentations it can be really difficult without a proper confidence level.
People are much more likely to listen more attentively and understand what you’re saying if the points you are mentioning are relatable to their own lives. You can make people feel connected if you are opening up with an anecdote or story.
One of the things that can be detrimental to engagement in a presentation setting is rambling. People often ramble when they try to regurgitate facts or when the audience starts losing interest. But with stories you can bring your audience on a journey. Decide on your beginning, middle and end points. This structure can tie your whole presentation together, while also creating a more interesting hook to have the attention of those in front of you.
You could also choose a theme and begin to work your presentation around stories that have the points you need to present. You could even take your presentation and turn it into a story coupled with plots with a defined story arc.
Who needs a storytelling programme?
Someone trying to ace interviews
Someone trying to control and boost their mental well-being
Anyone wanting something creative
Someone trying to lead team more effectively
Next Dimension Story has different types of storytelling sessions with different time duration. You can choose which one suits you the best. the coach here is George Eapen who has over 17 years of experience in clarifying, defining, and communicating successful stories for the likes of ©Procter & Gamble, ©PepsiCo, ©Vodafone, Global Tech Companies, for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, and for individual entrepreneurs across the globe.
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