Morton’s neuroma is one of the most common foot disorders.The disorder is named after Dr. Thomas G. Morton and Dr. T. K. Morton (thought to be Dr. Thomas Morton’s son), who described the neuroma.
A neuroma refers to a benign nerve tumor. Morton’s neuroma, also known as metatarsalgia, is not truly a tumor, rather an enlargement of the tissue that surrounds the nerve leading to the toes. It usually affects the area between the 3rd and 4th toes and sometimes, the 2nd and 3rd toes. The neuroma feels as if there’s a pebble in the shoe and causes irritation at the base of the toes.
Common symptoms include –
• Tingling
• Burning
• Numbness
• shooting pain
• pain occurs gradually and worsens with time, finally restricting weight-bearing activities
Women are about ten times more likely to develop Morton’s neuroma than men.
People with other foot problems, such as hammer toes, flat feet or bunions also are at risk of developing the disorder.
Other causes of Morton’s neuroma include:
• Wearing high heeled shoes;such shoes cause the toe bones to be compressed, pinching the nerve, and causing stressing to the front of the foot
• Wearing shoes with a narrow toe box, or ill-fitting shoes that cramp the toes
• Foot deformity
• Traumatic foot injury
• Repetitive force, especially from running, tennis and other court sports
A Morton’s neuroma wouldn’t go away on its own and not getting it treated may result in the need for surgery and/or permanent nerve damage. A large number of all people who experience pain in the ball of their foot have an undiagnosed Morton’s neuroma.
Your foot doctor will conduct a thorough examination and X-ray to confirm the diagnosis and might recommend one or a combination of the following treatment options –
• NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) to relieve pain
• Icing to reduce pain and swelling
• Corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation and reduce pain
• Reducing weight-bearing activities
• Wearing well-designed, properly fitting shoes
• Wearing Custom orthotic with metatarsal pads to relieve pressure on the nerve and the foot
If you or a loved one is experiencing pain, discomfort or any other foot or ankle issues, consult a foot doctor right away. Ignoring a foot or ankle issue can affect your entire body from the legs, knees, hips and even spine, resulting in chronic, difficult-to-fix problems. So, seek a podiatrist’s help before it becomes worse.
If you are looking for the best foot and ankle specialist for foot ankle surgery and other treatments in Phoenix and Scottsdale, AZ, call Oasis Foot and Ankle Center at 602-993-2700 right away. Oasis Foot and Ankle Centers offers cutting edge surgical and nonsurgical treatments. The podiatrists at Oasis not only perform gold standard procedures but often are the ones innovating less invasive options with better outcomes!