Dion Abadi has the secret to it all – the balance of work and family makes a harmonious, joyful life. Dion Abadi is 42 years old, and is one of the most successful art auctioneers in the southeastern United States. His business reaches well beyond the United States borders at this point, and he manages it all with remarkable ease. However, at the end of each work day, Dion Abadi looks forward to spending a quiet evening with his wife and children. It is at this time each day that he is able to put everything in perspective and enjoy the simple things in life. It was not always like this, though. When Dion Abadi first started out, he was a workhorse – always burning the midnight oil.
“I always wanted to have a family but my business always came first,” says Dion Abadi. When he met his wife a few years ago, all those feelings about business changed. “She made me realize that without the balance of family, fun and relaxation, my business would eventually burn me out!” Dion Abadi says with a smile. This was becoming all too true as his health was beginning to turn on him, and his stress levels rose at work. At this point, he listened to his wife, and with his first child on the way, he started making a concerted effort to get home earlier each night. It is true that sometimes things can wait until the next day.
There are two reasons that Dion Abadi’s work and family life balances out so nicely – great employees and fabulous family. He employs people he can truly trust to run the show when he is away for his rest and relaxation. “Without my assistant I would be back to working long, crazy hours all the time,” says Dion Abadi. His family is warm and supportive all of the time. Dion Abadi’s wife goes the extra mile to make their family moments extra special. All of this adds up to a man who can handle a lot of responsibility, but who can also turn it all off by turning his cell phone off at home.