To thrive in the modern world requires individuals who are passionate about their work and desire to accomplish their goals. Society is highly competitive and needs educated people who are willing to learn new skills and go the extra mile. The way the educational system is structured, there are opportunities for individuals to thrive and gain economic success.
Nothing gives Sean Houlihan Massachusetts great joy than being an effective educator in and out of the classroom. The Massachusetts-based teacher has more than nine years of classroom experience. His passion has always been to deliver quality instruction that prepares his students for their next level of education and society. For him, the opportunity to serve as a role model motivates him to help young kids to learn how to interact and lead in the real world.
In his career,Sean Houlihan Massachusetts has gotten to see the role of the educational system in improving the cultural and economic fortunes of the country. In his opinion, the educational system has provided a vehicle for educating responsible and productive members of the society.
“Schools exist not only to provide students with facts, numbers or significant dates, but also to promote appropriate social behavior and the responsibilities and duties of citizenship,” he said.
The work of teachers and administrators is to instill values and morals that help students assimilate and apply their knowledge in real life situations. The most important values that students have to learn are a sense of principle and conviction, in addition to being independent thinkers.
According to Houlihan, preparing students for the real world in the 21st century is a difficult, largely because most of the world has left the industrial age and now embraces information. The information age requires individuals with higher skills and knowledge than current educational systems can sometimes provide. Because the world is globalized, educators have to prepare students with the mindset that they are competing with the rest of the world.
“Our educational standards will have to be upgraded and an emphasis on mathematics and science will be needed. We should demand greater proficiency in reading and writing skills.”
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