Ninh Kieu, Vietnam (August 1, 2014): Herpes, a contagious viral disease of mouth or genital parts can be cured by a number of home remedies. The home remedies for herpes are not only highly effective but are also the only known cure for this disease. has identified this need and come up with the best of the home based remedies, for the same. has recognized Herpes could occur as a result of direct contact with an infected person. There are few more diseases that are caused by the Herpes virus which include herpetic whitlow, ocular herpes, neonatal herpes, Bell’s palsy and herpes gladiatorum. Irrespective of whichever the disease is, the irritation and pain that one has to suffer is immense.
Among the well known home remedies wearing loose fitting clothes and underwear that keeps the sores dry is essential. suggests, o ne should keep in mind that keeping the body away from any kind of physical strain is essential. A proper night sleep could give the body the right kind of rest and time for the sores to heal. One could try out a paste of baking soda and cornstarch to dry up the sores and ice for instant relief from their pain.
Aloe vera, identified by the web based platform, is an ancient medicinal plant that has multiple benefits. It could be used on the sores caused by herpes for minimizing the irritation and accelerate the healing process. Tea bags also come handy while dealing with sores caused by herpes. The tea bags needs to be warmed in hot water and then used, however they need to be thrown away after treating the affected area. The home remedies for herpes could clam down one’s worries to a great extent. However keeping the affected area clean using some soap and warm water and then drying it up can help the most. Among other home remedies for herpes raw honey and coconut oil turn out beneficial in treating the infection as they antibacterial and antiviral properties that can cure the sores.
Apart from all these, the web site emphasises on the home remedies, one must remember that a proper diet and a good night sleep have a key role in strengthening up the immune system of the body and fighting any kind of diseases. The home remedies can ease out one’s pain and accelerate the healing process.
Herpes is a skin disease caused by virus that could be a cured by a number of home remedies. The home remedies for herpes are easy to apply and can soothe one’s sores to a great extent.
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Harry Nguyen
Can Tho
[email protected]
156 - 30/4, Hung Loi, Ninh Kieu
Phone: +84902621519