The Simpsons is about corn nowadays. Truly it is valid. What used to be the King of TV in the days of yore, The Simpsons presently is a TV show that has gotten old and silly. I'm not catching my meaning by this? All things considered, recall in the past times when the Simpsons was a quality show that was breaking boundaries? We as a whole loves Bart's tricks and the show was about social circumstances, intriguing portrayals and intense humor.
In the days of yore, the Simpsons was a genuine show. It was inventive and new and it was principally about youthful Bart Simpsons. As the crowd of the show developed and got hitched, the show began getting about Homer. Since the characters in the show never matured, the devotees of the show did and hence changed tastes.
Presently, the Simpsons is more about the marriage of Homer and Marge. Pretty much every scene nowadays focuses on how Homer is a moron spouse who does a great deal of things wrong and Marge is the patient wife who has the endured it. In any case, toward the finish of the scene, Homer consistently comes around and we as a whole vibe sorry for him. The show currently was an ethical message which makes it long winded and irritating. Contrasted with other vivified shows, for example, Family Guy, the Simpsons is fumbling.
Another purpose behind this subject is most likely the scholars of the show. In the event that you have ever observed the show Futurama, you will see that it has a fundamentally the same as topic. Fry the adorable goof is continually squashing on Leela - the one looked at freak young lady.
Drinking spree, the robot character gives the vile lighthearted element while the component of sentiment is advanced by Fry and Leela and it is done so again with an entire piling of corn and cheddar. Futuama however is as yet a far better show than the Simpsons simply because of its assorted characters. Digital TV presented to us the Simpsons and when it previously came out, it was a way breaking show.
Presently it has been consigned to the next female driven no man's land of shows that generally air on the WB network among others. It will be just a short time that it begins indicating just on TV land. The longest running show on TV is at risk for getting lifeless and old.
Television is about new and new substance and the Simpsons needs to develop in the event that it needs to stay in the early evening space. It needs to adjust to the changing climate and focus on client audits on the web. On the off chance that a show like South Park can change from turning out to be thirty minutes of restroom humor to a show including blistering social and political editorial and parody at that point so can the Simpsons. Else, it should go and a whole age of individuals will encounter withdrawal side effects that are firmly connected with the passing of a nearby relative or companion. Its about change! Its time the scholars of the Simpsons got that.