Long before the modern world shaped its existence and became a reality lived a King of Heroes, King Gilgamesh. The fifth king of Uruk, presently Iraq, was one of the longest and most prosperous rulers of the Middle East. Despite having ruled for 126 years, King Gilgamesh intended to defy death and did wish to emerge as an immortal being, a wish that many people harbored thousands of years ago.
The King had learnt of a plant, ASARUM, which can give one eternal life. The legends also foretold that the plant can bring back a dead to life. King Gilgamesh embarked on a journey to find this tree which would not only make him immortal but change the very course of human evolution. Little did the brave King know of the serpent that protected ASARUM from the reach of man!
In 2014, as with any other legend, myth and folklore, the legend of ASARUM had also drowned beneath the modern world that laid its trust only on scientific truth. A research being conducted by oil companies speculate the occurrence of earthquakes in the Gulf of Mexico. During one of these seismic events, the ocean floor cracks open and vent an entrance to an underwater world that had been strictly concealed away from the knowledge of man. Young Mike and his girlfriend decide to explore the site where the legend of ASARUM has been untouched and unexplored for several millennia. Mike and his girlfriend are however not aware of the existence of the serpent that guards ASARUM.
Produced by Remlore Pictures, ASARUM is a fantasy thriller starring Seth Remis. The story is set in Florida, Bahamas, California and Socotra Island. A world where myth meets reality, ASARUM is an unprecedented journey into the world unknown to find something that doesn’t belong to this world.
ASARUM will have award winning VFX artiste Diego Trazzi who has recently completed work on The Hobbit. Igor Zanic of Shark Night 3D fame is the man behind the oceanographic visual effects of the film. At a budget of $2 million, ASARUM is a major independent production that is slated to release worldwide this upcoming summer.
The film will have theatrical release as well as an international release on the internet. ASARUM is set to be an epic adventure of ‘What Gilgamesh had lost, a couple has found’.
About Remlore Pictures
Remlore Picture Studios is a Motion Picture Company that is producing their first Major Motion Picture, Asarum Starring Seth Remis. CEO of Remlore James Maziesz and Director Allen Driscoll are working closely together to turn Asarum into a Massive Movie Theater Success!
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Remlore Pictures
Hollywood CA
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