About Us
A group of Remote Monitoring specialists !
Much is composed about customer IoT, however the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is distinctive and that is the place STREGA is dynamic.
STREGA has been made in 2011 by a group of IT and modern specialized masters, having quite a while ability in the European and Middle East market.
With over 25 years of involvement in the Automation, SCADA and correspondence business, the STREGA group is dynamic simultaneously in France and Middle East by having a structure situated in both Paris and Dubai Silicon Oasis, UAE.
STREGA is trying our items in genuine mechanical condition to give the most solid item available. Our specialists likewise think about the most ideal approaches to set the fitting deals channels, specialized help and preparing for the neighborhood showcase.
The items we create are of the most modern and imaginative innovation: we have among our group propelled equipment and programming designers who can redo our answers for fit the requests of our clients far better.
Extraordinary range joins: 10+ km in LOS – 2 km+ in urban zone – 22+ stories inside structures
LoRaWAN™ is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) determination expected for remote battery worked Things in a provincial, national or worldwide system. LoRaWAN targets key prerequisites of Internet of Things, for example, secure bi-directional correspondence, portability and restriction administrations. The LoRaWAN detail gives consistent interoperability among shrewd Things without the need of complex neighborhood establishments and gives back the opportunity to the client, engineer, organizations empowering the take off of Internet of Things.
Scene Irrigation
Scene water system is a watering framework that is utilized to make and look after yards, greenery enclosures, parks and custom scenes. The essential capacity of a scene water system framework is to guarantee that water is spread routinely and equitably all through any given scene. STREGA LoRa remote keen valve can help Municipalities to give a speedy a simple usage of remotely worked valves without the weight (and the expenses) of encoders-decoders. Associating another zone to water turns out to be straight forward: include a keen valve onto the primary line and you are prepared to control the water system from your Control Center.
Strega Technologies
Drève de la Meute, 31 - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium
[email protected]
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