However, many may express concern over whether this decontamination process takes away the benefits of organic fish oil. While molecular distillation does tend to take away some of the natural painkilling properties found in untouched fish oil, this is easily remedied.
Consumers who want to take fish oil supplements to improve their heart health or treat conditions such as depression and lupus may find themselves confused when it is time to pick a product. After all, there are many different kinds of fish oil on the market in a range of prices. The wide variety of processing methods, types and dosages can be bewildering. One common option is molecularly distilled fish oil. This product may be a little more expensive than others, but it provides a range of health benefits and reduces the risk of toxicity, making it a good choice for many consumers.
DNA analysis (i.e., molecular genetics) can be used in evaluating lung cancer, and can reliably separate lung tumors into their morphologic categories of squamous, large cell, small cell, and adenocarcinoma. Gene expression profiling (GEP) may have even more utility in the assessment of patients with non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) and similar histology.
Molecular distillation uses weight to remove contaminants from the oil before it is encapsulated.
Although there are set international standards which outline the levels of toxins in fish based oils, these are made by those selling them. Some companies actually go past these standards, and these are the ones you want to look out for.
A fish based oil should be sourced from fish in clear waters. However, it should also be a molecularly distilled fish oil. This is because nature has its own contaminants (even in clear waters), and molecular distillation will also remove these.
Double-checking the label to see if it has been through this process will help you find a quality fish oil.
Now that you're armed with this information, you can set out to purchase the fish oil dietary supplement that will benefit your health the most.
We started off with a tom yum shrimp cocktail. Now as you probably know, tom yum shrimp is one of Thailand's most famous soups, but serving it as a cocktail beverage, laced with alcohol, is a completely different twist to the dish (now drink). Just like a normal bowl of tom yum soup, the cocktail was full of lime juice, but that's where the similarities ended. The cocktail included a splash of gin, soup stock, and for the shrimp, rather than being added to the cocktail, it was grilled on a bamboo skewer and used as the mixing stick for the beverage. The chef instructed us to give the drink a whirling stir with the shrimp skewer, eat the shrimp in a single bite, and then sip down the cocktail as we pleased. While it indeed reminded me of any Thai tom yum soup, it was so contrastingly different at the same time.
After the cocktail, we had foie gras red curry. The foie gras, being typical of French cuisine, while the curry flavors and spices were influenced from Thai food. This was a fusion Thai dish, meaning ingredients were definitely not typical of traditional Thai food but a merger of two different cuisines. The creamy foie gras paired with the spicy flavors of typical Thai food, and a lovely hint of basil, made the dish rich and melt in your mouth. Again, it was an idea and mingling of flavors that I had never experienced before, and it was extremely delightful.
To round out the main courses we then had green curry. But instead of being served temperature hot as a normal Thai curry, the chef decided to completely change the makeup of the dish by serving it frozen. After the blend of green curry was cooked with coconut milk and reduced so the flavors were condensed, it was then flash frozen into a thin bowl like structure. The green curry had to be eaten quickly to maintain the modern molecular composition, so it would still be frozen solid when eating. The result was very interesting yet again. When I closed my eyes, I tasted all the normal components of a Thai green curry, yet there was a slight crunch from the frozenness, and the creamy cold sensation was more similar to a creamsicle than a plate of green curry and rice. It sort of reminded me of eating an Indian kulfi, an ice cream that's made with thick cream and flavored with cardamom, but instead of cream it was coconut milk and instead of cardamom it was the range of spices in the green curry paste that created the attractive flavor.