Suicide is hidden business. The statistics shown this year are increasingly alarming.
Millions of children are given psychiatric labels for normal childhood behavior and prescribed psychiatric drugs that drive them to commit violent acts and suicide.
“Side” Effects, Why can’t psychiatrists predict what adverse drug reactions you might experience? Because not one of them knows how their drugs work.
Psychotropic drugs are increasingly being exposed as chemical toxins with the power to kill. Psychiatrists claim their drugs save lives, but according to their own studies, psychotropic drugs can double the risk of suicide. And long term use has been proven to create a lifetime of damage, a fact ignored by psychiatrists.
As they spread their deadly and lucrative game deeper and deeper into society, children have become the latest and most tragic casualties.
By educating yourself with the facts about psychiatry, you will have the information you need to never become a victim of this vicious pseudo-science. Presented here are 20 CCHR publications detailing the harmful effects of psychiatry—from their destruction of artistic creativity to their blatant attacks on entire generations of children.
Protect yourself with the truth. Find out what psychiatrists don’t want you to know.