But have you thought about the septic tank that stays outside your home but works to ensure that all your waste from the washroom, toilets, and washbasins is taken care of without causing any unhygienic conditions inside your home for you and your family! Thus for your home's plumbing system to keep performing at its best, you need to care for your septic tank system. It requires the septic tank cleaning by a professional that offers their services to come and maintain it periodically! The cleaning of the septic tank is as crucial as cleaning your house to stay fit and healthy.
You will be indeed glad to know that it's relatively easy to ensure septic tank cleaning. This cleaning of the septic tank by professional services involves periodic inspection for sludge and scum levels, leakages, and pumping of the septic tank. With this regular maintenance of your septic tank, you prolong its life span! As a part of the community welfare, we would like to bring every family the top tips and importance of keeping their Septic tank healthy by hiring professional services of a septic tank service provider. Let's get started!
Southern Comfort Services – Keep Your Septic Tank System Healthy
Healthy body, healthy mind! It implies healthy eating food and exercising that directly impacts our body and things around us that ensure our health and hygiene, which affects our health and overall well-being! Have you thought of the septic tank that collects all your water waste from your homes and indirectly ensures your health and hygiene? Yes! It plays a crucial role in this. That is why it's your responsibility to keep your wastewater system operating correctly to ensure that it does not pollute the surroundings and does not pose a health hazard to you and your family. Regular maintenance and cleaning of your septic tank are non-negotiable. The best part is that the process is not complicated or costly! You need to hire a professional septic tank cleaning provider, and the rest is taken care of by them.
Tops ways to keep your septic tank system healthy!
First, let us understand how does a household septic tank system work?
The waste flows down the house drain into the septic tank. The waste is then filtered here, and then the partially treated waste then goes from the tank to a drain field, where natural processes break it down. As a part of maintaining and cleaning the septic tank system at your home, it is also essential to understand if the septic tank system is showing any sign of it being unhealthy like:
• Sinks and toilets are slow to drain.
• Sewage smell starts coming from near the septic tank or the drain field.
• Wastewater is coming out and making a water pool on the surface of the drain field.
Steps to adhere to ensure a healthy septic tank!
1. Regular maintenance by a professional
It is a complete must and needs professional service to maintain the septic tank regularly. They would look into the following aspects:
• It is cleaning of the septic tank regularly and pumping to be done every 2-3 years. It is essential to maintain the date of cleaning for future reference.
• Checking for any leakages in the septic tank
• It was checking the sludge and slum levels in the septic tank and cleaning them.
2. Keep a watch on sludge and scum build-up
You need to keep a check on the sludge build-up in the septic tank to keep it healthy, so ensure:
• Before washing your dishes, ensure to clean your plate to remove all food parts before washing.
• Do not flush anything except your body waste and toilet paper.
3. Switch to an environmental approach
This means that you should consider using biodegradable soaps and washing powders, do not let chemicals, oils, or cleaning agents down your basin or washroom drain.
4. Take care of the drain field
You should take some simple steps to protect your drain field like:
• Do not allow vehicles on it.
• Always keep the vent of the septic tank clear.
• Do not allow rainwater to get collected at the drain field.
• Ensure that there are no trees with deep roots near the drain field.
• Who should I call for help?
Well, to ensure to keep your septic tank healthy, professional septic tank cleaning services are a must, providing that any required repairs or maintenance work is taken care of timely.
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Website: https://southerncomfortservice.com/
Email ID:
[email protected]
Number: 601-798-2552