Speedy Pest Control is one of the leading wildlife control companies in the greater Toronto area. Every year, the company helps hundreds of local residential and commercial property owners deal with various pest risks. They use the latest pest removal techniques. They also use high-quality traps and animal repellent products.
More importantly, Speedy Pest Control only performs humane pest removal. These experts of wildlife control Oakville specialize in removing pests and animals from human spaces in the safest ways possible. The company has a strict “no animal cruelty” policy. Yes, sometimes, while dealing with mass-scale infestations, the company has no choice but to exterminate the pests.
But, that option is never the first thought of Speedy Pest Control’s pest control experts. They rarely use harmful chemicals or deadly animal traps. Speedy Pest Control’s years of experience in dealing with serious cases of pest infestation helps its workers stay humane. The company carries out hundreds of pest or animal removal processes every year.
Their workers know which techniques are humane and which aren’t. In most cases, the pest control experts lure the animals or pests inside traps. These traps don’t kill them; they merely store them. After that, the company’s workers dispose of the pests/animals in the most humane way possible.
They release these creatures in areas where their survival chances are high. Releasing squirrels or mice in desolate areas is not a good idea. The animals may not find appropriate sources of food, shelter, or water. To address these risks, Speedy Pest Control’s pest control experts always release these creatures in safe habitats.
Of course, the most humane way of dealing with pests is to stop them from infesting your property. That’s why Speedy Pest Control’s pest control experts always provide regular checkups and inspections for their customers. In these annual or monthly checkups, the company’s workers safeguard their clients’ properties.
They seal any gaps or entrances that may attract small pests. They clean gutters, yards, rooftops, attics, and other areas inside or outside properties that are prone to pest infestations. By addressing these pest risks in advance, property owners get to keep their spaces pest-free.
If the company’s pest exterminators Hamilton detect signs of pest infestation, they take appropriate prevention measures. For example, squirrels and raccoons often infest attics and ventilation systems. Once these creatures take their places, eliminating them humanely is difficult. Speedy Pest Control’s experts spray natural animal repellents in these areas.
Spraying fox and coyote urine works wonders for keeping away small pests away from the property. Since these rodents carry ticks, germs, and disease-causing viruses, keeping them away from your property is very important. With Speedy Pest Control’s assistance, any homeowner can do this humanely.
The company also provides clients with machines that generate ultrasonic waves and resonances. These machines don’t harm animals. They merely keep them away. These humane tactics of pest removal are winning the hearts of several home and business owners.
Staying pest-free while acting humanely is now easier than ever, thanks to Speedy Pest Control. Check out the company’s humane pest extermination services at - https://www.speedypestcontrol.ca/.