Did you know that responsibility is a Human Right? It is something to which we each are entitled, and it contributes to our freedom. It is simply stated in the booklet provided by Youth for Human Rights as, "29. Responsibility, We have a duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms." It is only by recognizing the humanity and rights of others that we safeguard our own freedom. We do not exist in this world alone. The conditions that we help create for other people are also the conditions in which we find ourselves. If any one of use is polluting the air, we are all breathing polluted air.
This concept is getting a workout during this Coronavirus pandemic. Some of us feel wearing a face mask is an infringement of our personal liberty, or that it is a symbol of agreement with a manufactured danger. And many who are willing to wear a mask stop at wearing disposable gloves. Probably each and every one of them would not want a doctor who had not scrubbed up, who was not wearing fresh gloves, and who refused to wear a mask, operating on them, or anyone they cared about. It really is interesting how to' mask or not to mask' has become such a touchy question. In this instance it is so easy to be responsible for our fellows, even in just making them feel safer, by masking up. It protects the freedom of movement, Human Right number 13, for all of us by averting another "stay at home" situation. This is a very brief look. We need education in these rights because "Human rights must be made a reality, not just an idealistic dream.", L. Ron Hubbard. www.YouthforHumanRights.org